
Holy shit? A blender? For EGGS?! Maybe if you're scrambling enough eggs for a family of six, with all the kids being voracious teenagers. But if you're just making enough for a single omelette for yourself (or enough for two) whisking them and the milk together in a measuring cup with a fork for less than a minute

Labeled: crazy aunt is right. Lower your heat. Big time. (And her advice on the tearing through it to allow the uncooked parts to get through are also spot on). Also, give your pan sufficient time to completely come up to temp. If you're pouring in your egg mixture just a few seconds after you've turned on your

Milk in omelettes, milk in scrambled eggs, milk in huevos rancheros. Milk in any form of breakfast egg where you're not trying to keep the whites and yolks separate. It really does make them fluffier. You don't need a lot. Just a splash. And nix the author's suggestion of water. You don't need ANY water. Especially in

I believe the proper term is "cunt punt."

Thank you!!! Every time something like this happens I instantly think of the handmaid's tale. *shudder* so many people working to make that clusterfuck a reality.

Um, no. Because I don't go around stalking children and then murdering them. Also, I DON'T suspect all black people are thugs, or criminals, or big scary bogeymen. Nor do I think Trayvon Martin was dressed as a thug that night. (In what world are khakis thug? Seriously?!) Before you equate me with a racist, murderous

Why?! Why did I watch that? Here I was all filled with the warm and fuzzies over the cuteness of a little baby duck... And now I've got the images of necrophiliac rapey ducks.....

"Tipical" just spells the word "typical" using the Spanish alphabet. They're trying to imply that a typical car dealership won't be willing to give you a good deal or a sale price.

Haha. I love that commercial!

Yes, Tonto may be Spanish for stupid, but what you guys conveniently forgot to notice is that his luchador handle "Green Ghost" is also a play on words. In Spanish, "gringo" is a slang word used to label white people. So he's taken that and made a joke out of it.

Sometimes that's all the distance you CAN keep in front of you on a packed highway. And you're lucky if you get that much. I can't tell you the number of times I've been in heavy freeway traffic that has slowed to around 45-55 mph and if I try to keep two car lengths or more, people behind will tailgate, while people

I don't know where this happened, but if it happened in Russia, it kind of makes sense. People get into accidents on purpose over there to try to profit off it. Sure, that happens in the US, too, but we have way more regulations with things like insurance and insurance fraud.

I am a woman. I had more advanced education and experience than a guy who held the same job as me. He got paid more. I was specifically told I would not be paid a wage that would put me in a position to earn more than he did. Gender wage disparity exists.

It's even worse when you see those clueless people graduate from college, and then later procreate.

The breadwinner stat was an aside, not a vital part of the point. Being a breadwinner or not has nothing to do with how much women get paid or deserve to get paid.

Or, as Stephen Colbert would say: I am America and you can, too.

Thank you!!! I will *definitely* do this! Yay!

My curiosity is thoroughly piqued... Why do you live without running water? How do you shower, flush the toilet, make towel nests in your bathroom while lounging in the steam from the hot water being on for an hour?

What about repairing a bra? Several times I've bought pretty underwires from VS and only worn them a couple of times when one of the wires bursts through one end of the fabric. Sometimes on the outside end, but more often than not, on the inside edge where my cleavage is. They'll stick out from the hole a couple of