I want to play Undertale but things like this just keep me from wanting to touch it.
I’ll get it years later and play it and think its great I’m sure. I’m always a few years behind with this stuff anyway.
I want to play Undertale but things like this just keep me from wanting to touch it.
I’ll get it years later and play it and think its great I’m sure. I’m always a few years behind with this stuff anyway.
“...you don’t get total control over not being able to give your character boobs bigger than her head.”
A slider goes two ways you know. What if your want your created character to have smaller breasts? Or average size? But no, we get the same looking ones, because people like you are afraid people will make big boobed…
“Though I found no evidence of a coordinated effort to campaign against Dead or Alive Xtreme’s release...”
This BS narrative again. Did the quote state there was a campaign going on against them? NO. Did you happen to forget what the quote from the FB page was despite just copy pasting it in your article?
“...eliminating that bikini option might be a welcome change...”
Why? How? Who?
Are we all not adults? Can we not choose what our characters wear or not?
Love how the Gauss rifle looks like a slightly different laser rifle. So much detail in every nook and cranny Bethy. So much. Bleh.
I think I’m done with Bethesda games. They don’t make RPGs anymore, and their open world games are boring shooters, or boring hack and slashers.
It really doesn’t change enough. Nothing like the old games and not worth wasting points in.
Do you actually have a refutation? Because that logic walk doesn’t work. I’ve shown the games actually sell in America, prove me wrong. :)
“The Tecmo ‘statements’ are pure corporate weaseling in reaction to having their hand forced by the Play Asia thing.”
“...an ongoing narrative in these circles that media critics are making companies like Koei Tecmo afraid to release games with sexual content in the West.”
You have your facts slightly wrong the version you are talking about has english subtitles and is being sold in Japan. They do these editions with subtitles more often than you think. Sorry to ruin your narrative.
Play Asia must also be behind the statement from Tecmo as well then ;)
Such savvy marketing, don’t release the game in an area. Get less sales. Wait what?
Man guys, that response from Koei Tecmo is so garbled no one can understand it! Don’t you see? It’s just impossible to get what they were trying to say!
Wow, your the first one here to actually have played previous Fallouts.
Then she would just be an alt. costume for Link in the game who already has allot of alt costumes and not be a totally new character to play as.
Love these opinion piece preachers thinking they talk for everyone (even *gasp* all women). -_- If you knew anything about The Legend of Zelda fandom you would know allot of the fans are girls and they LOVE Link. This isn’t as big a problem as many make it out to be, and Linkle (despite that the only things you choose…
This is why I’ve never played Leauge. Never will. Doesn’t seem fun. Chat. Who needs it am I right?