“...and a worthy if not groundbreaking sequel to Fallout 3...”
“...and a worthy if not groundbreaking sequel to Fallout 3...”
“Is it just me or (do these fans) come off like entitled prick(s)?”
- Fixed that wording for you. ;)
Tell that to my Luigi’s Mansion statue :)
No thank you, I prefer playing games on consoles and handhelds.
Wait, download only? Will there be a physical release? :(((((((((((
Oh look, someone linking the mary sue. Do tell which comic series you work for so I can be sure to never suppprt them or by extension you, ever again.
“I don’t know if someone who was nursed on Bethesda’s philosophy can sit down in front of that old top-down Fallout adventure and feel the magic.”
Totally not true. I started with F3 and went on to play 1 and 2. Took me a good while but I totally agree that they are way better than Fallout 3.
It’s such a great game yet has these problems? >_> Hmm
You are thinking of it backwards. Toxic players are the ones who WANT and like those features. Taking them away gives them no more power.
Also yes another solution that is separate from the game is a solution, even if you say it’s not. Sorry. :)
“You have no control over combat” - A sign of someone who didn’t play the game long enough to even unlock the basic combat controls and mechanics. Sad.
Taking this way too far Kotaku. Who really cares if splatoon has voice chat or not? I seriously don’t want to hear some 8 year old yell at me, but guess what?
I will have voice chat in splatoon. That’s right. And you can too.
It’s called skype, this gives you all the benefits of cordinating with your buddies like you…
I played WoW once or twice because a friend said it was fun.
He was level 60 or something. I was 1. He said once I was level 60 we could all play in a guild. Level....60? For the game to be fun? I stopped playing right there.
Literally my favorite moment of WoW is Leroy Jenkins. Not even joking. I don't care for the…
If your trying to get people to play League you failed. At least with me.
It doesn't sound fun. It sounds annoying.
Also I can't count how much money people spend on this "free to play" game. Yes they don't have to pay for the new champions, but they do. Because how can they be competitive if they don't get all the…
Ha, and people pay for these services? Great going Xbone and Sony.
*Plays smash bros*
It's cool. I don't buy PC games when there are physical console versions anyway. :)
It's exactly what minecraft needed! Less gameplay and more QTE's!
If they make a mistake, punish them. They lose. ;P Isn't that what competitive smash is all about?
"f you haven't played the right bits in previous games, if you didn't use the right party members, or if you didn't look at specific codex entries, the epilogue scene might make no sense."
WOW! That sounds TERRIBLE! Glad I haven't picked up this game. Might not for a year or two now.
Gets free amiibo, let's child eat it, while child eats said free figure you asks what's the point?
-_- Seriously?
I guess the point for you is to let your child drool all over it. Other people unlock outfits in Mario Kart, Get a spinner and extra free stuff in Hyrule Warriors and can train a literal super sayian amiibo…
This new persona game looks different.