Jump to conclusions? The helmets make the faces look terrible. This is not okay. The fact that you can just turn them off doesn't make it ok. It's still there. It's still terrible.
Jump to conclusions? The helmets make the faces look terrible. This is not okay. The fact that you can just turn them off doesn't make it ok. It's still there. It's still terrible.
Bleh multiplayer only, and probably online only too.
A few months of work where they basically took all the hard work already done by the pokemon games and changed it slightly. :\
Physical release? On PC?
'cuse me while I laugh for days.
You have all the time in the world to aim. It's turnbased. I would agree with you if it was twitch based. But aiming is so easy in this game the hitboxes are so large how can you NOT hit what you are aiming at?
Being tough is a flaw now?
Total Price: $0
Xbone - Didn't buy one. Why would I buy one? :P
God that gif looks so horrible and spooky.
Is Joel going to kill everyone again? :(
Gotta disagree with this whole thing.
Played the demo for over 8 hours so far and I'm enjoying the controls way more than any smash before this one. (Yes, even on the 3ds and NOT using a GC controller, gasp, blasphemy, I know.)
I went back to playing Melee and I'm finding I'm having trouble doing the run on THAT…
First level 30 and all his armor looks like uncolored mock ups artists do before they finish the models.
Great job Destiny. :\
Where is the "none of the above" choice for those who didn't pick up the game? ;D
Not really Nintendo's fault is it?
China is the one that banned foreign games from being officially imported. Shouldn't these gamers instead petition their own government to allow Nintendo to release their games faster and in greater volume?
You didn't read the article very closely did you?
They are going to release their exploits and let people do stuff with it, they just don't want to cast the first stone.
-_- I look forward to the day when Mario Kart 8 is utterly unplayable online because of exploits and people like this. Sigh.
Mario 64. This game is so much to me in so many ways.
It was the level with the submarine and the Eel. Not in the same level of course, but different levels and each time I glimpsed that Eel I was so scared I would just wait out the time underwater and Mario would run out of air. It was preferable to me than facing…
Digital = price hikes over physical copies.
Physical copies are cheaper, you get to keep them (unlike this service) and you can resell if need be.
Physical copies = more ability and benefits to the consume. I see no benefit on this digital service EA offers. It doesn't even save you much money at all.
Doesn't do it for me. Same with the walking dead show. The people look raggedy and terrible yet have perfect looking white teeth despite not brushing/ having dental care for years.
It's just poor planning, even MORE so for a video game, they can easily give Joel worse teeth.
They are not worth 200 dollars that is for damn sure.
Not worth it then. EA needs a better deal. And better games.
Except those games aren't anywhere close to 60 dollars in price anymore -_-