
no, you are not wrong. its those huge loading moments that we are talking about. Thats why I play on easy to avoid the death load. They typical way of figuring out how to kill a boss by trying, dying and repeating took a grossly long time. Add on a frustrated gamer and its rage time :) I mean, all things

“I disagree with your lack of complaints about the witcher 3"

i probably would, it just wouldnt be my first choice. Hole? Check. Heartbeat? Not sure but Ill say check. Of age and not an animal? Check

The Witcher 3 load times are pretty bad but thats basically the only thing I can complain about for that game (except Geralts swimming control). Thats said, this is why I now replay the game on easy. This way I can minimize dying and dealing with load times.

literally just was flooded by memories that would normally have never been remembered again.

i saw cyberpunk and started to bone up for Cyberpunk 2077...

its the Mos Eisley space port of the west coast. I like 15% of Sf and hate the rest

just intentionally deleted all my saves. Restarting at Lvl 1 for the win!

one of the best games ever made. Ive played through it probably 8 times and just last night deleted (intentionally) all my saves and started from scratch again! And already finding quests I managed to miss on all my previous playthroughs.

im fucking with some Red Dead Redemption. Copped it on Amazon for $15 (Thx Shep!). I never finished it on XBox 360 because I screwed up an HDD files transfer and never bothered to start again. I do remember it being a huge game and it looks and runs great on XB1

He wrote Mordin, right? Im replaying ME2 and just did Mordin’s loyalty quest. As bland as Tuchanka was, the depth of that quest is amazing.

I thought Liam was worse than Kaiden Alenko.

Cant say I didnt see this coming in one form or another. I hated Andromeda at first but it grew on me, although the sheer amount of fetch quests that require you to planet hop is absurd to the point of insulting. it still pales in comparison to the original trilogy though and nobody will convince me that Mac

this was so annoying...

Its short for Pelessaria B’Sayle.

thats my understanding as well.

my rMBP core’s hit 198 degrees F watching this in 4K

fucking beautiful. I dream of the day when I play the Witcher 3 in anything above the Xbox 1 quality.

Im one of those 90%.