I always reminisce on the days of a good Modern Warfare match with a team that communicates and works together. I think that happened .05% of the time but damn it was amazing
I always reminisce on the days of a good Modern Warfare match with a team that communicates and works together. I think that happened .05% of the time but damn it was amazing
I love that you love the Witcher 3 seemingly as much as I do.
At this point it would require me to replay the game and pay extra attention to the details to even see a change and at this point I am about 60-70% through the game and have little reason to replay a second time. Everyone else has been vocal about the shortcomings of the game and I agree with most so I wont add…
This whole game has been a let down thus far. It plays a lot like Dragon Age Inquisition which while I enjoyed (ok, tolerated) for the most part it didnt have me replaying it again like The Witcher 3 has me doing still. And the fetch quests and talk to person A, take train to person B and ten back to person A quests…
blah blah he’s a walking talking diamond cutting erection, exo-skeleton and all.
The Witcher 3 is pretty damn close to being my favorite game ever. Its so well done that I fear I will hold everything else to such a high standard.
well thats a bit of a bummer. I mean, Im willing to give it a shot but some of the gifs floating around are downright embarassing. What happened? New engine + new team too much for Bioware?
could it be the move from Unreal to Frostbite basically set them back a number of years in development as most assets had to be re-done, or whatever the coding term for starting over is?
i was watching some ME:A on Twitch last night and the way the character was running was straigh out of Dragon Age I. That loose, floppy gait with little speed variation between standing still and full on sprint. I get that the Frostbite engine was used in both but man, the character movements in ME2 and ME3 looked…
friend, Im sitting on a 5 gallon bucket in a room with no electricity that is ripped to the studs, the only sanctuary I have is an empty repurposed closet with my xbone and monitor, not even a chair. It gets hot in there and it kinda stinks.
Anything from Warehouse, FullCount, TCB Jeans etc..
Anything from Warehouse, FullCount, TCB Jeans etc..
LOL, 1958 vs 2017
maybe your husband should ship his stuff with some Tylenol...:) (jokes)
Sorry to hear that. I work in pharma logistics and we ship upwards of 20 shipments of high value drug each day to hospitals and I have never had a lost package or one go to the wrong place in 7 years. Of course, Im knocking on wood as I type this...maybe its because we have a corporate account (aka spend $$$) and…
Dont ship high value stuff via USPS. FedEx or even World Courier that shit man
I tried the couch throw once when playing Mass Effect 2 on Insanity (Collectors base, squad kept popping out of cover and got pasted immediately) .
the only thing more lame than youtube drama are the high numbers of idiot youtube viewers who catch feelings about this kind of thing and argue if it was a backstab or not. Its like a downvote or unsubscribe is this generation’s knife to the throat.
i do my neck daily, and each time I get a good double sided multi crack I think this is the time that I paralyze myself and break my neck haha