
I will save my judgement of this until after it is released from beta and a proper test is done. That and after its been put to the test at the Pwn2Own contest

@OrbitalGun: I've seen some stars that within a week of getting their star starts to promote useless comments and making comments like

@Jason Chen: Fair enough. I guess I shouldn't even start to bitch until I give it a chance. Thanks for the response Jason.

I am not sure I support this change.

Its kind of funny that Sony uses their Motion controller to emphasize that you need buttons. Sony seems to have forgotten the new surge of Ipad/ios games that are coming out that while they do have on screen actions to emulate the buttons also have games where no buttons are involved.

As ridiculous as this is, it shows a difference between Apple and Microsoft in the way they encourage their employees to stand behind their in at least a fun manner.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: No, I understand they are two different things. I should have clarified. I have used both parallels and vmware fusion. While I find parallels to run faster in some aspects I am a VMware fan. I have to run an environment primarily based around VMWare ESX, so I tend to play with all of the VMware

@NaeemTHM: Definitely stick to bootcamp for gaming. You can run it through virtual environments, but your framerates will drop and you will notice other rendering issues.

@abes2: While you can't beat free, VMWare fusion allows you to do the same as Parallels and run from your boot camp partition.

@NaeemTHM: I've tried Parallels and VMware Fusion.

@metro_digital: This is actually a good design. Good job on it, hopefully Apple will hire you for product placement one day.

@georhehagi: Depends, but Sony doesn't normally. However having a nice universal charger for just about any device/laptop helps. Would be at the very least interesting.

Its sad, they covered all of those but missed the three biggest laptop sellers in my office (Mac, Sony, Dell)

@Curves: You do. My girlfriend freaked when I listened to you and tried to ride a tiger into the bedroom like He-man....

@potatojenkins: Except unlike the Wii this comes with a 250gb hard drive, a game, and a headset. To some people that are not part of the wii crowd this is more than a bargin.

Dammit none of these come with an analog modem. How am I suppose to hack a gibson from a payphone with one of these?

@s8ist: Have you seen the HP Envy? Did you notice that the keyboard is not flush but there are curves from where the palm rest goes into the keyboard allowing it to have an island shape? The color of a keyboard and chicklet style keyboards are not solely to Macbooks, Dells, Sony, HP, etc have been using chicklet

Many people want to say that this emulates a MBP because its aluminum, however the design is nothing like a MBP