
Reading through the comments I see a majority of people stating why women shouldn't make the first move (You get a lazy man, do you really want a man that can't make the first move, etc) and a few guys stating why its great. What people are missing is the point that you are making that women are men's equal and if

I can believe this only works if you are laying there holding your breath, or are a corpse. According to the American Council on Exercise, the average person burns 0.02 calories per minute at rest, per kg of body weight.


858 to buy and a million to not. I guess you must love the odds under your bridge.

@Lady_Chloe I am not sure what Android phone you have but you must have not had it for a long time. I have had my Evo for about 6-8 months now and have to say its the complete opposite of what you stated. I am a previous owner of an Iphone 3g, 3gs and 4 (thanks to work). I have to keep the Iphone 4 for work, but

@Alowicious Funny I tried to get one for my mother in June both in NYC and in Florida and had to pre-order it from Bestbuy. This is after placing an order in two Apple stores in May. I finally got lucky and had to drive 2 towns over and pick one up from Best Buy. Apple won't even tell its own stores when the are

I think what people are saying is for Apple this isn't that big of an update. People look to apple to come out with new innovative ideas. This is a few months behind the Xoom in the aspect of what it offers. Now if you compare it Ipad to Ipad then you have a huge upgrade between the two products.

@ Alowicious Right... and the Ipad was still "sold out" up till November last year. Why because each store would only receive 5-10 at a time. They could not keep up with manufacturing. I am pretty much betting that if you don't pre-order you will still be waiting to get an Ipad a month from now

@Lusit they had the demos there, but I am not about to pick up a demo as a purchase, no matter what the cost is.

@Alowicious I have no doubt it was, I just think it made him look misinformed and behind the times. I guess I am use to him being better than those snide little comments that are full of untruths

@Alowicious Right. But the Xoom was released in volume before, and has sold out of the retail stores in my area. I went to go test it out and out of 5 best buys all 5 were sold out.

@Tank: Not really. The moment you install the app your still allowing the app to run in the background and collect and transmit data on the Iphone.

Love this quote "Jason Chen:

@gnomeholed: Was this message created from an overpriced fruit flavored unit?

@gamingdoctor: Its a step towards journalism considering what their past few decisions have been around here.

New to Gizmodo? Unless its Apple there is very little promoting in positive favor. Take a look at any Android/Microsoft article and you will find it seething in one sided negative views. Take a look at any Apple article and you will find it one sided in positive views. Best advice is to read the articles and enjoy

I actually disagree. I didn't discover how laggy the iphone was till I jailbroke my first one. After that I realized that each IOS release was just making the phone worse. I went from an 3g to a 4 and then jumped to an EVO. Trust me, there is a world of difference between the IOS and Android platforms. I changed

One quick thing to point out. Touch screen phones were released well before Apple hit the scene with the Iphone. The Palm pre, Ipaq, Nokia, and LG all had phones with touch screen capabilities. I believe the iPAQ and Palm devices were released in the late 90s (92 I would like to say). Apple did have a patent

Bah. Isheep always troll. I have two iPhones (3g and the 4 that work bought for development). Currently using an EVO. If you want to see Apple Fanbois then just step over to Gizmodo. In fact anything android related usually has two or three posts mentioned by an iSheep talking about fragmentation, or how Apple

So to move from Android and freedom to an Iphone's walled garden I just have to jailbreak my phone and download apps to make it a poor man's Android? All for $400.00 and time and labor? Here I was almost about to start questioning myself why I went from the Iphone to Android to begin with. Man I can't wait....