
Ohhhhhhh... Alright, I got cha'.

For the love of CoD, disable skill based match making!!! I can't find a match half the time, and when I can, it's always people against the same thirty or so people.

Yeah, they're doing a really poor job patching this broken mess.

Star Wars Battlefront hype! (Don't f**k it up DICE.)

Advanced Warfare will put you in a game with people of your own skill level.

...Not too helpful. (And breaking my jokey tone.) The word "badge" is not commonly used to refer to anything in the Call of Duty series, what are you referring to when you say it?

There's also many places you can fall off the map.

As someone trying to get launcher kills, that's also not a fool proof metric.

Same here, I do that too.

When's the next sorely needed patch coming?

Hey, accidents happen, you know?

"stupid badge"? What badge is that? (Whatever it is, I must have it.)

And on the flip side, how do they ensure they don't ban someone who's just bad at the game for "reverse boosting"?

I hope they patch that. I mean I assume that what they were going for is for the two teams to look distinct from one another. But then why are the outfits given so bloody ugly?

Why is Advanced Warfare so bloody terribly designed!?

Though, even suicides can serve a valuable purpose in Advanced Warfare. For example, when trying to do challenges with launchers, killing yourself to refresh your ammo is a very viable option. And to get the Joker mask your required to get afterlife medals, dying is a requirement for this challenge.

No tac inserts in this one (outside of infected at least).

I really wouldn't mind going and seeing this movie again. Bah, scratch that, I'd love to go see this movie again.

I... What, wait... Hammer's pretty far from the nail there. I'd have said everything but, they all pretty much work as advertised. Could be the platform, which one are you playing on, some elaboration might be needed?

They could stand to hurry it up with patching the multiplayer also.