
AH Community notes that the gun is somewhat glitchy, and that it is completely silent when you shoot it. Kind of funny, considering its the least technologically advanced gun in the game.

When's it going to be April already!

They're all pretty great, except of Gordon for me. But everyone seems to be picking out their personal ones that don't look right, so maybe it's just me.


Same order as the picture you have there of the original series.

Where did you lot find this image? Got a source?

Edit: Alright, the comment section's gone all screwy on me...

Funny you should mention that...

Funny you should mention that...

Wait till' you see brains, not to mention the rest of the cast.

Only characters, certain effects and the Thunderbird craft themselves are to be added using CGI.

If you take a look at the bottom left hand corner of this promo piece from around 2013-2014.

There's a new female character being introduced this time around named Kayo, who's got a pretty substantial roll this time around.

GL always has the same quote, such a shame. Not that it's not a good quote, but it wouldn't hurt to mix it up, is all I'm saying.

Now who is this I see? Those are interesting looking rocks formations, could this be a mine perhaps? Hmmm...

I was so upset was taken off youtube! I'm so happy it's not gone forever!

Don't mention it.

It's weird how often there's a really good piece of music that's not on the OST.

It's annoying that my favorite piece of music from the movie is nowhere to be found on the soundtrack.