
...that is why clocks are round.

*Pfft!* Yeah, I mean, of course. But... Umm, only if you do a secret button combo. That's like... super hard to do. It's a one hit KO. True story. My mate's done it.

Gee, I wonder what name the internet will give this.

Easy, Thunderbirds Are Go!

Righty'o, anytime! Thanks for giving it a look.

Hahaha, that'd be great throwback. Nice one!

It just works too bloody well.

Man, if this new Thunderbirds series could be as good as the Thundercats reboot, yet not be indefinitely postponed like the Thundercats reboot, that would be absolutely f**king awesome.

I know right? There's all this awesome looking test footage out there, yet we get a short shot of Thunderbird 5 and it's not even their best shot of Thunderbird 5!

T'is CGI characters this time around.

Ha! You should have been there for the end of the countdown.

Very true.

The review's were pretty favorable, but there weren't many of them which worried me, as I'd expect that if it was really awesome that damn near everyone that saw it would be talking about it.

I dunno' about all that, I did like the 2004 versions Thunderbird 5 and its version of Thunderbird 1 has some neatness to it (even in what I assume is early concept art).

I know the feeling.

I like the 80's Saturday morning cartoon look the series has, but bad mouthing the original supermarionated version wasn't really called for was it?

They have, I'll let you decide whether you like them or not you like them, as the fanbase seems to be somewhat split so far, especially on Thunderbird 5.

Not cast yet or under wraps, they've confirmed at several times that Jeff Tracy will be in the new series, most recently in the Hobbit edition of Empire Magazine (the January 2015 issue) which was guest edited by Peter Jackson.