
Looks like a lot of fun. Was that a Mount Franklin bottle?

Bring back deathstreaks, the old map design, the feeling of cat and mouse and stop limiting the combat (except maybe quickscoping, to hell with that).

I really like some of these ideas except maybe the killstreak one.

I disagree (partially), I believe the only negative aspect of MW2 is quickscoping, though some shotguns could do with a slight tweak.

I wounder if orange transparent chainsaw guy is in it.

Well that was about the worst first impression a game has left with me in a long time.

"With all this weaponry I can wipe anything I come across off the face of the Earth!... Why am I so slow?"

I think It'd be neat if if were like Puzzle Pirates in few aspects, namely the way in which a crew works.

It's entirely possible that when I commented it didn't say Mount Fuji, there is no need to be hostile.

Spot The Main Characters: Prepare to Die Edition

Those sly devils, but they can't put one past us, eh?

Why was he sleeping in a shack in the middle of nowhere anyway? (Well maybe not nowhere, is that Mount Fuji?)

I empathize.

Those bloody dogs...

What Return Of Samus said.

Nothing is without its flaws.

Fast as lightning.

I reckon they should made this car for the movie.

Thank you right back.