
The writer of this article forgot to include a reference to CHUDS and how CHUDS were supposed to also be in the game but didn’t get added in and their placeholder cubes were left in the game too.

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That video reminded me of this one that I liked so long ago

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While this is neat, I was kinda hoping more for something like this:

I know it sounds like excusing it but I love the jank in these games, as they remind me it’s a labour of love and not just yet another cleanly made but very generic game. That’s not to say there aren’t moments that it breaks the game but a reload usually fixed that.

Oh look. A company has to cut fat, yet pay the top guy millions of dollars for this failure instead of sacking his ass.

Titanfall 2 has good everything (except sales, sadly)

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Multiple people play their own game but the randomizer has placed everyone’s items across every other player’s game. If you are player 1 you may find player 4's hookshot, or find a 50 rupee chest for player 2. Whenever another player finds and item for you, your game will stop and link will do his get item animation

Im still looking for a picture I seen during AGDQ that was helarious. basically a edit/redrawing of Dragonball’s log riding mercenary Tao with link there instead dressed as a gerudo.

The thing about a Plateau Skip is that the game actually extends something akin to a kill plane over the entire world. The game checks if you have the glider and if yes, then you’re fine. If no, you essentially can’t be anywhere off the Plateau without it the plane triggering and warping you back. This is true even in

My understanding is that Respawn wanted Titanfall 2 to go head to head against Call of Duty, and that Battlefield 1 was originally supposed to come out earlier (September-ish). But DICE had to delay BF1 and by the time that happened, it was too late to bump back Titanfall 2 because of various marketing deals they’d

guess respawn thought “HA our game is so good we’ll be able to compete with THESE two!” Not a smart group are they

The same source I cited above told me that Titanfall 2's release timing was entirely Respawn’s decision.

Phew I needed some sort of confirmation I wasn’t alone in this, as everyone I know who mentions KH1 loves it, so I wasn’t sure if I playing it wrong or something. I’ll probably give it one more go before moving on to CoM and 2. 

I’m fine with this, I will probably not be done with the game by the time the epilogue makes it into the game. I’m gonna take my sweet sweeeeeeeeeet time with this.
I’ve been waiting like 15 years for this, I can wait a few days.

And, just the cherry on top of your question sundae, Will we find out whether Destiny was challenged truly thanks to the publisher, or were the flaws thanks to developer choices?

What in the world just happened in that last clip? Is that a VR game? That looked amazing.

It’s more than just the bugginess though. In the Ark screen you can get to there is a DLC called Ocean and clicking it actually launches Atlas. This was clearly supposed to be a DLC, but because they sold season passes, they would have to give out the DLC for free to season pass players. Instead the same devs started

Really awesome to see my good friend Doc’s game, Paratopic, on here! :)

wow this owns

But there’s a problem. It’s 2018 and I don’t need or particularly want media to humanize Nazis. I acknowledge that history is complex, and I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the