
Simple fact is... for all the people who loathe grind and want it to go away, there are an equal number of gamers who need it, or they’ll get bored and whine that there’s “nothing to do.”

banning 4 people? there goes half the playerbase.

Ghost Arrows of Artemis is even more ridiculous. Here’s my current loadout, with blacksmith-added engravings italicized:

That’s exactly what I did. Using the same set up with the bow she gives you too. Something like 350K damage with the headshot bonuses you can get using ability points. He’s a push over.

Man, sounds like I’d be able to one shot him with the Daughter of artemis set along with Predator shot does +25% damage, with the extra +100% damage but capped at 25% hp. That shit is stupid strong.

When I fight with a large staff or longsword, I always make sure to use my thumb.

Nearly 4 years. Longer than the Xbox One X.

I’m only 510 but the bits of dreaming city I’ve seen while not getting two shotted are super cool. I. Love. It. 

My first Trust dropped with Rampage and Dragonfly. Needless to say I was pleased(and also learned that Dragonfly scales with Rampage!).

As for year one weapons and armor, you can pull out a fresh copy from your collections and it will be 20 Power below your current average for something like 5 legendary shards, 5 gunsmith materials and 5000 glimmer or whatever.
It’s not great but it will be usable at least.

Complicated systems require greater effort to exploit and win.  The more effort you put in, the greater the feeling of triumph.  Bungie’s mistake was underestimating players’ tolerance for unfriendly gameplay systems.

That sucks that it wasn’t identified more solidly back then. Yeah, if you can get it, go for a full neuropsychological eval. ASD is a spectrum - a gradient. Different places on the spectrum have different concerns, and have different compensatory strategies. It helps you figure out where it makes the most sense to

Hey Man/Gal - I just wanted to chime in here, as someone who has an uncle diagnosed with Aspergers. Don’t let it get to you, my friend.

Getting a major diagnosis is rough, I felt the same way when I was diagnosed as diabetic, and even more so when I woke up from a coma I didn’t even know I had gone into.

I’m sorry it happened dude, really I am, but don’t let it defeat you. All that happened was you learned something new about yourself, in a sense.

Can you really call this “hurtful and offensive”? I think most people agree that shaming hate speech is a good practice, but the problem that some of us (myself included) have is how broad the term “hate speech” has become. This is a dumb, overused joke making fun of people that are oversensitive about this topic.

I assume we’ll reach that level of familiarity at some point; for now, we’re both learning (we waited for the PC launch so we could play together, as we only have the one PS4 in the house), so we’re discovering the hard way what Anjanath does and doesn’t do prior to ruining our day.

It’s all very pretty, and seems to include some complicated systems—you can talk yourself out of fights rather than just shooting everything—that promise improvements over the first game, which came out in 2010.

I’ve been hit or miss with Dawnblade. I think the first time I tried it, I got like 5 kills with one super, but the next few times I just couldn’t gauge how the flaming sword would dive.

Well, all the other requirements are pretty easy. Drop into a Nightfall and set the modifiers to ones that will help you: brawler for void melee kills, catapult for grenade kills, etc. I think it took me about 8 hours to grind from the green armor to the legendary (not Mastertwerk).

I’m like 90% sure that was a bug. Would be pretty stupid to ask a person to get 30 super kills and 10 total kills at the same time. Most likely they were reversed, and it’s a bit late now. Not saying it isn’t dumb and shouldn’t have been QC’d, but using just a tiny bit of logic says that wasn’t intentional.