
Yea, I do kind of agree about the 30 super kills and ONLY 10 crucible kills, that doesn’t even make sense. I prefer my arc titan, but in the end I had to switch to fire loadout to use hammers to get all those kills. It was just going too slow.

I don’t think they’re missing the whole point. I do agree (and certainly wasn’t particularly happy about while doing it with my Hunter) that the balance doesn’t seem quite right. 30 super kills takes a lot longer than 10 normal kills for non-Titans.

The point isnt that it took a “measly” 5 hours.
Its that one of the challenges required 10 pvp kills which took me half a match and the other required 30 super kills that took me 15 matches. The balance seems extremely skewed.

The kind of grind I’ve been missing in Destiny. Work cannot end fast enough.

Even better. She murders her own people because they wanted to defect to the Alliance as they now have Light-Powered undead that don’t deteriorate for some reason and thus would literally save her people from the entropy of bodily decay!

This is all getting very obnotchious....

Just an FYI, this doesnt work on Give me god of war (super hard mode)

That’s all im going to do, just alot of crying.

So basically just scream and cry when we finally touch it after 10+ years of waiting?

More like Exodus To Orbit, amirite

If you asked me to identify Thaviks I would be unable to do so.

There are ok slots on this set. DMC is still better since you don’t have to wear the full set though.

It’s more like once you get through the fun bits you start to feel the stupid decisions. The fun bits are shooting things with cool guns and that’s all the time. It’s when there stops being a reason to continue shooting things that the game runs into problems.

Shit, my eyes are all fucked up.

Major additions and updates in the patch

Still made that mode almost unplayable, and very drawn out. I was more annoyed the devs did nothing to curtail it.

It actually travels to Alpha Centauri.

I’m no Civ expert, so I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m misinformed but I believe that in early game, turns pass more years to represent the slow development rate of technology, late game it can be 1 year per turn. I think. So perhaps the rocket took longer cos it’s based on turns as apposed to actual years?

Babies do not make good fuel.