
Which in execution is weirdly only slightly less scary.

Satisfactory also has an arachnophobia mode where they just stick pngs of cats on top of the spiders.

I am confused about this article’s assertion of how little we know about the Vex. For starters, the Vex aren’t a synthetic race of machines, the machines are just vessels. They *are* a hive mind, but it’s an organic hive mind.

The mainline Vex are primarily interested in the grand progressions of order/disorder in the

I actually helped perfect the original Atheon cheese so you could 100% guarantee the kill. Before my 2 friends and I figured it out, it was still an RNG crap shoot where you might get it to work 1 every 10 or 20 tries. Figuring it out made me feel the most accomplished I had ever felt playing Destiny. 2 weeks later,

I don’t think Sword Logic really plays into this at all.

I am so glad to see this comment here. I was going to write it if it weren’t. DQB2 is THE gamier version of Minecraft that Luke and I would assume many others are looking for. It’s not perfect, but it is REALLY good, coming from a person that completed the campaign and is now working on their buildertopia after a

I thought Cube World’s tighter focus and RPG elements would take the stuff I did like about Minecraft—its procedurally-generated worlds and a feeling of real boundlessness—and reign them into something more structured.

I... I had no idea we had to wait so long... *falls into your arms sobbing as well*

I do love Monster Hunter World! I am super excited for Iceborne too!
I can’t wait for it to release in just 4.........months.......for PC...........
*starts sobbing uncontrollably*

I adored D1, spent hundreds of hours playing, soloed everything I could. Was a beta player in both, and after finishing the story missions of ‘nilla D2 I quit. I absolutely hated it. It felt like parts were missing. The updated eververse felt scummy. And honestly it felt utterly unsatisfying.

Destiny 2 is good.

For those who can’t watch, or at least turn the audio on, here’s a quick tip about manners for farming materials in Lost Forges:

Be sure to drop your light/power level as much as possible. Unleveled Eververse armor is helpful, since it always drops at 10. Forge matchmaking is based on light level, so the lower you

Horror Story, the Halloween auto rifle, is a 600 light level weapon with no level requirement as well.

As with many controversies, the Pokemon anger has never been *JUST* the National Dex situation. There has been resentment growing among the older players for generations of the game, and it has mostly to do with, for lack of a better phrase, taking the easy way out.

Game Freak has a history of doing one-and-done

Here’s hoping Amofah is found alive and well—and gets the help he needs. It’s not looking good, and dragging that kind of body of water for one person is very much the epitome of needle-in-a-haystack work, but until his whereabouts are confirmed one way or another, all anyone can do is hope he set his stuff down and

This is an interesting question, but one that I think ultimately leads back to the same answer: If a game is receiving numerous reviews—negative or positive—for reasons other than the quality of the game itself, then those reviews should be kept, but moved into an area that does not affect the game’s overall aggregate

It’s a shame 90% of all Ocarina of Time speedruns are ruined by accidentally answering “No” to “Did you get all that?”

Games I was excited about in my early 20's:

As someone who have puts an embarrassing amount of hours into Factorio I loved what I played of Satisfactory yesterday. It is diffrent enough so it wont replace it or anything, but the vertical aspects really adds a lot. Really looking forward to playing more and future updates.