
Carbon monoxide is also used to give red meats a pink-red glow.

Actually, a lot of farmers feed arsenic compounds to their chickens to color the flesh a more attractive pink.

I noticed that all of the references in that article are from continental Europe. What about medieval England? All of the stories I have heard about supposedly bad water pertained to England. (Probably because I don't speak any other languages and thus know very little about the history of non-english speaking

It's because of all of the pollution from Wayne Industries. (Not far-fetched at all - the tetraethyl lead used in gasoline for much of the 20th century has been correlated to higher crime rates - the people who worked in the factories where leaded gas was produced all went insane.)

It's very likely that the bats' immune systems are weakened by exposure to pesticides, and that is what has allowed this fungus to become an epidemic. Farm workers have long suffered extensive and deadly fungal infections from exposure to pesticides. (They even made an X-Files episode about it - the one with the

No mention of the Star Trek films? How many of them are about saving the planet Earth from destruction? I am too lazy to count. Plus I haven't seen the latest one.

Is this how the Lifeclock Crystal from Logan's Run starts?

I think this might be connected to the reason that Star Trek has been in such a long decline - the lack of a frontier. When the original Star Trek series was created, it borrowed heavily from the western tropes - miners and outposts far from civilization, etc. There were still Americans alive at this time who knew

The problem with fusion reactors are that they are essentially dystopian. Being complex and expensive, they will require powerful centralized socialist governments taxing the crap out of the citizens in order to pay for them. Or if we go the capitalist route, then we inevitably see corporate monopolies restricting

I don't believe that you can go back in time and kill Hitler on purpose - but perhaps it would be possible to kill him by accident? Say, you go back in time to kill Hitler, you succeed, so therefore there is no reason to go back in time to kill Hitler, so you don't go back,, and therefore he lives. But what if you

I stopped eating wheat a few months ago and have so far lost 20 lbs. (Not to mention the other health benefits, such as my arthritis pain going away and my digestive system functioning a lot better.) Are these animals eating wheat too? What does a laboratory diet consist of?

In a couple of decades, somebody will be writing a similar article about all of the misguided nano-particle and nano-tech products currently coming to market.

I have had this phenomenon occur to me many, many times -hundreds - but I always chalked it up to faulty photodetectors used to turn the lights on and off. Now I wonder if perhaps this sodium pressure heat problem is actually sensitive to low-level magnetic or electrical fields - like how a person walking in front of


Uhh, these mushrooms aren't lethal. They ARE poisonous, but actual cases of people dying from consuming them are rare-to-nonexistent .

What about that Christmas Special from a couple of years back? I remember somebody singing to some sharks.

Maybe it's Apple-Cedar Rust (Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae) - a gall that grows on junipers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnosporangium_juniperi-virginianae