
I feel like I worry less about rice in the rice cooker. Insert rice, add water, press button. I don’t have to check on it ever. Maybe you’re that confident in your stovetop skills and if so, awesome, but if you find yourself compelled to check on it every few minutes, a cheap rice cooker is worth it just for the

And the 1060 isn’t even out yet. Supply will eventually catch up.

This isn’t as necessary as it used to be. While program bloat can build up over time, newer OSes are much better about actually removing programs you uninstall, allowing you to truly clean out your computer without resorting to a wipe.

Definitely the OJ chase for me. I didn’t understand it completely because I didn’t know who he was prior to it. That said I came to know everything about him quickly with the ensuing trial and non-stop news coverage.

Fortunately it’s a Ferrari, so my natural reaction to KILL IT WITH FIRE might come true.

Precisely. I go through a medium size bottle of ketchup in about a year. This is a recipe I’ll save for when I have a family and kids. Then again, kids don’t care what kind of ketchup you use.

I’m left with the impression that beneath the mess that is the show as it stands, there is a very good program to be had. They tried to counter chemistry with numbers and it didn’t really work. With that said, maybe their intent all along was to experiment.

Cars have gotten more feature-rich at a great rate, both in safety and convenience/technology.

You vastly overestimate how much ketchup I use. That said this is a viable strategy for people who go through the stuff at a reasonable rate.

I was onboard until I read “store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days”. I don’t use nearly enough ketchup for that.

I thought the boos at the podium ceremony were because the Austrians were much more likely to be Rosberg fans. While that may be true, I was reminded that the crowd was also likely bitter about Brexit.

The last time I had this happen the cork also broke, meaning little pieces of cork were now floating in the wine. The solution?

Joe and Kate need to get a Jeep SRT8 and document their experiences with it. We’ll call it, “Joe and Kate V8"

With the Corolla I’ll admit that makes sense, as the iM is based on the same platform. I still take issue with the iA being called a Yaris given it’s on a Mazda 2 platform and as such is a completely different car.

“Some kinda brake failure”

I think you go that backwards. That huge stash of GBP is worth considerably less now than it was a week or so ago.

It was probably donated and they stuck it in the basement while they figured out what to do with it.

That Dell XPS 13 bargain has been around for a while. I know because I bought one about three weeks ago. That said, it is a killer laptop at a killer bargain. You’d almost be a fool to buy a MacBook Air over one at the price.

That Dell XPS 13 bargain has been around for a while. I know because I bought one about three weeks ago. That said,

Clearly I had too many of them tonight. I wish I could delete this ><

I love this, and it’s obvious a lot of thought went into the chart. You’ll notice IPAs do not make an appearance. I love an IPA as much as the next guy, but (for the most part) they do not pair well with food. Too overpowering.