
Could you imagine what renting a console would be like these days? Oh, it hasn’t been rented in a while? Hope you have fast internet because you’re going to need a gig or two in updates. Better remember to sign-up for PSN or XBox Live! Hope the game you rented along with it doesn’t need too many updates before it can

The other big consideration here, as the article points out, is what the state income and sales taxes are. Property tax is just another way for the state to get their pound of flesh. They’re high in Austin because Texas has no state income tax and it’s primarily how schools receive their funding.

If I had a large number of cars (let’s say 5+) I could see agreeing to sell some of them, but if I was asked to get rid of a particular car I’d get rid of her.

This is how business works. You take a product that has more value to some people than it took to create, and sell it (or in this case trade it) for that increased value.

We use Ping Identity at work which uses the same basic method. You register your device, and when verification is needed a little slider pops up. Just slide to authenticate. In our case we’d talk to IT if we lost our device.

Yeah, but you could also spend maybe a dollar per vehicle and make Park a separate button like on BMW’s newer automatics. Bad design is bad design, and there are no fancy automatic safety measures required to improve it.

I live in Austin and this is the first I’m hearing of this program. That said, I can’t see myself using it. Unless you can work out a set schedule with friends in advance, this just seems bound to create conflict.

This. This is what I love about Jalopnik. I went from not knowing what the hell an Iso Grifo was to having a burning desire to driver and/or own one. You brought the Aston Martin Lagonda from afterthought to the forefront of my mind. Cars that are forgettable to most become items in my imaginary “I just won the

So, it sounds like the high praise of the RWD supercharged V6 may not be misplaced if it has the positive attributes of both models you drove. I feel like I need to see for myself.

There’s two great things about this method though:

Are they still spitting fuel directly into the turbo? That makes the argument interesting, everything else not so much.

Yeah, let’s wait and see how this all shakes out at the end of the season. They won’t declare Verstappen #1 unless this trend continues for the rest of the season. It’s an extremely promising start for him, but it’s too early to say who the better driver is.

An FR-S would give it a run for its money as well, at which point you’d have to ask yourself “why did I buy this?” Marginally more useful back seats?

If you want a V12, you have to accept that you will pay exorbitant repair costs and/or not drive it much. There is no V12 you can keep on the road as a daily driver without great expense. You can buy an 850i for cheap, but will easily pay the cost for the car over again in the first year. Any other V12 will likely be

But it doesn’t need to be maintained like a typical production product. It’s one version of a product that will continue to be run. As long as it continues to work it isn’t touched, and patches are kept to a bare minimum needed to fix critical issues.

Oh my god. Everything about that car is just so deliciously 80's.

Honestly, I still don’t trust Jaguar when it comes to either reliability or resale value, so if I get one (which I am seriously considering doing) I’d lease it.

The reviews are in, and the Jaguar XE is pretty damn awesome

Good question, though I doubt it’s as much of a factor with the high rate of circulation with this method.

We’ve gone Mad Max, and there’s nothing wrong with that.