XKSteeda - GoJJ48

When does this movie get made?

You're thinking of a roadster.

Come on Matt, you're tearing your regular packets wrong. That said, I've used the new ones and I do like.

I suppose I could substitute "wall street bankers" for "attorneys" and understand more. Zing! Kudos for being a trooper through the long as Santa's list hate that you got after your initial comment.

You forgot this part: "There are so many deserving of such a fate."

Wow. You have to be a pretty crappy person to say something like that. I feel sorry for you.

Rule 1: Don't talk about extreme Saudi driving.

Yeah keeping electricity flowing requires a ton of people around the clock to work, the lights won't be on very long when things start going bad.

Cubits per lunar month.

And where can i pick this up?

I'm with you on the "how bad could it really be?" vote; it's pretty and not full of holes. I'm NPing all over the place.

What an awesome COTD. Thank you for sharing.

I haven't seen very many high end Japanese sports cars from the mid 90s that I'd trust to get me to the next town over at this point. Every 3000GT looks like it's on its last leg. I don't think I'll want a $15k GT-R

It truly is an amazing all arounder. My car is paid off and the idea of spending money every month for a new one isn't exciting, but I don't think I'll be able to hold off much longer. Thanks for the insight, it's reassuring.

Are the tires made of powder?

I'm in the market for one right now, I keep going by the dealer and drooling over this black one there.

Absolutely, you never know when it could save your life.

Of course this guy's wearing a bow tie.

It's a 2011 WRX hatch. All the room you need, sub 5 second 0-60 and all wheel drive for when the weather or road is bad.

I voted NP because of this film.