XKSteeda - GoJJ48

I thought it meant "caution - drunk drivers"

8 kids, I would have gotten the heck out of there too! But I might have taken a couple of my favorite ones with me.

super clever and it only took a half hour.

My son and his friends all invented stealth bombers back in the day. I think it was like 1896 or so. I don't believe you'd be part of the painting party since you're a big gay hater and my son and his friends all like dudes... so many dudes. so there's proof you're a big internet shit talker.

Good story! Congrats.

I now feel like I have no excuse for putting off any project.

People showed up for this?

So when I go to Hungary in August all I need to do is show people I own a car and they'll be impressed? Sweet, I'm going to lie about my collection like a 14 year old on a Ferrari forum.

Sure they do, just with more natural methods that don't work.

True, they wouldn't want to cannibalize Rover sales.

When did it even show body roll? And "lowly fourbanger" I think you're commenting on the wrong site.

You know you've bought a cool car when you buy a D or an F.

Gotta catch 'em all...

I would that an apocalypse rain forth on this earth before Jaguar makes an SUV

Dude, it's free...

Things started to get Italian around 5:45

Great minds.

The Probe 16 from A Clockwork Orange