So when I go to Hungary in August all I need to do is show people I own a car and they'll be impressed? Sweet, I'm going to lie about my collection like a 14 year old on a Ferrari forum.
So when I go to Hungary in August all I need to do is show people I own a car and they'll be impressed? Sweet, I'm going to lie about my collection like a 14 year old on a Ferrari forum.
Sure they do, just with more natural methods that don't work.
True, they wouldn't want to cannibalize Rover sales.
When did it even show body roll? And "lowly fourbanger" I think you're commenting on the wrong site.
You know you've bought a cool car when you buy a D or an F.
Gotta catch 'em all...
I would that an apocalypse rain forth on this earth before Jaguar makes an SUV
Dude, it's free...
Things started to get Italian around 5:45
Great minds.
The Probe 16 from A Clockwork Orange
Looks familiar.
Martin Grossinger, you're awesome. Keep up the good work, we love our AOTDs.
It's throwable since girls are scary to be around.
I'll have to find these ladies when I get to Hungary in August.
(funny joke)