XKSteeda - GoJJ48

Because dogs tend to become wolves in the wild, and reproduce unchecked with other wild dogs. It's not a good idea to let them loose.

The three are almost indistinguishable.

One please.

So Billy couldn't outrun some robbers in (what i can only assume was) a toyota truck?

Do the models get dizzy? Just kidding don't care. Tell me more about the car.

just what i was thinking.

haha excellent. I hate 'surpri'se's!

Every 's need's an apo'strophe in front of it apparently. Ju'st like thi's.

That's pretty impressive. There's supposed to be a "The More You Know" image here. Just imagine it was witty.

So are you in Louisiana? Up here in Arkansas everyone is pissed about how the backfilling of the cavities is messing up the drinking water. I'm not saying I don't like CNG as a fuel, it's awesome. Just not practical for everyone to use indefinitely.

It's not a 160 year supply when people start using it to move around. It's a 160 year supply as we use it now.


Atlantis may not launch again. Endeavour is scheduled and funded but last I heard there hasn't been any money set aside for an Atlantis mission.

Worst part is the caliper paint

Truly the only option is "both"

Lamborghini is looking awfully unimaginative these days.

@DarkGemini: Free E30 M3 to the first person who accomplishes this.

Go ahead and get two and send one my way.

yeah because new orleans is so different from baton rouge.

I met him last year at the Bristol NASCAR race at a Toyota booth. He seemed like a really nice guy to me and I think he's good on the show too.