A German mile is worth 100 Japanese mile.
A German mile is worth 100 Japanese mile.
My wedding ring is palladium so I guess this hasn’t been a total loss. (Glances over shoulder for wife)
I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless. This post is the best prize ever! Thanks so much, Andrew!
wow, i cannot believe this bridge has not been getting the coverage it so deserves. that curb jutting out from the side?? pure evil.
JetBlue is popular for travelers headed between those northeast hubs and Florida airports, and I’ve experienced delays related to stormy Florida weather as well.
Some of it is due to location and routes.
Oldsmobile is Intrigued.
I want Saab to come back, it would be awesome. The best safety (or close to it) a car could offer in the 1990's
I’m pretty sure Saab would love to travel back in time.
Talk about a hot SEAT!
I actually see quite a few “off-road” wagons around my neck of the woods (Bay Area). V90 cross countries, Golf alltracks, A4 allroads, and even the original Allroad is something I see regularly.
As a person who has been the victim of fraud, on my debit card, used as a credit card, I can authoritarily state that this is not true. It feels true, like it should be true, but it is not.
Fun Fact: This is the first time I’ve heard the term “thirsty shirtless” before. Fuckin’ hate it.
That was beautiful, especially considering how many fascist right wing thugs see themselves in Covington. It was like when Jesse Owens beat Luz Long in the 1934 Olympics, except apparently Luz Long was somehow kind to Owens. He was a fascist but I guess not a bully? Go figure.
average fuel economy during a mix of city and highway driving was 30 mpg, or slightly above the EPA estimate.
Wait... this a veiled reference to the line:
Cars have 97 cameras now, but are still missing one that would be really useful.
(I created the artwork and the box to intentionally confuse and obfuscate reality.)