
Do you understand that the writer is an idiot who doesn't bow-hunt or study the history of archery? Do you understand that there was terminology to describe the longbowmen of English history? I use a Martin Pantera Magnum with an extremely high poundage. She given her stats could not fire a traditional compound bow as

You have obviously never bow-hunted before or understand the physics of a compound bow. I shoot a Martin Pantera Magnum with an extremely high poundage rate. Have you even studied the history of what the qualifications were for English longbowmen? Only videogames and movies use such laughable tactics to make weak

Do you even bow-hunt? Do you understand the physics of a compound bow? I'm not saying she is any better. I'm stating this is the Disney effect. The English even had terms specifically for the now known as gorilla arm of the longbowmen of their time. People think archery is for agile and weak people, but that is not

I'm so glad someone as smart as you presented empirical evidence to prove your point instead of anecdotal stories and opinions that matter not in terms of "is it possible". Please don't ever be a scientist.

No, no she didn't. The stunts pulled off were impossible given her body composition. The same analysis was done to the movie Gravity. You are simply giving a pass to pseudo realistic elements of movies because you enjoy them and not others. Continue on your Ludditistic view about people in movies. I'm sure you're

Wrong, i'm saying that the people involved should appear realistic for that position. A midget for example will never be seen in a basketball movie that is about the NBA. That isn't my fault if Pixar movies aren't your forte. On a macro scale they matter, just like feminism uses macro scale statistics. Do you disagree

Yes, clearly 5'8 and 125-35lbs with her shoulder width, average tendon strength and bone density based on sex and heritage is plenty strong to compete. Said no-one ever.

Athletic competition != robbing. Nice false equivalency.

Her fitness level is inferior as per measurements to compete in that scenario based on a breakdown of athletic profiles across all major sports that were based on war games. I wrote a paper pointing this out in every detail when that was the trending media topic, analyzing every aspect of each person. Do you even

Are you such a Luddite that you believe we won't be able to create actors and actresses that are more real to are perceptions than actual humans? So close minded. Ever watch a Pixar film? You know, the greatest per movie production house in the world? No actors. Please use better logic.

Wrong. It only recently took decades to reach that point. Guess how young some of the soldiers were in past wars? Most people didn't live to see "decades" of life. Not only is that an etymological fallacy but a reverse of the historian's fallacy known as presentism. There is not a greater advantage for TOO large a

So instead of the point being that we should have a movie about people that could actually compete in that scenario, your point is that "omg she is soooo relatable because I am the SAME WAY WE ARE THE SAME PERSON!?!!?"

Social justice used a shield for logical debate and thought? NEVER!!??!?!!

Thank you for targeting my logical point about you contaminating your own world-view by introducing variables that are counter-productive due to your own ideology instead of science. In fact, you should be able to see this in a better way but your own ego prevents you from doing so. Nice red herrings and strawman

You are however an injury prone runner, who participates in cardio activities as labeled as your focus by default. Your logic skills are weak. You ran before you did crosstraining or cardio because they existed first. You should know that that would contaminate any possible aspect of objectivity or clean result.

Did I not just flame cardio? What is running? Nice appeal to authority rant though.

Vapid bro, vapid.

I probably phrased it incorrectly. I believe that is how it should be, just like highway funding. I am only talking about the Federal government, not state governments. Federal laws protect groups before the state.

You obviously haven't read the latest studies about fat cell clustering and future health. You also assume that being obese isn't a problem from an engineering and environmental perspective.

Now playing

That is not possible. You would be violating the laws of thermodynamics. Please see: