unfortunately I'm too lazy to plug in my ps3 an move something out of the entertainment center to put the ps3 back in. luckily all i do in NHL games now is play with my friends online for money.
unfortunately I'm too lazy to plug in my ps3 an move something out of the entertainment center to put the ps3 back in. luckily all i do in NHL games now is play with my friends online for money.
he got exactly what he wanted. now all of the TV Deals are going to come flowing in, just like he planned.
he's just going to cheat on her AGAIN. Girls are so stupid. and why does DWade look like "Mac and Me"
Mario Kart has too many stupid items.
terrible list. No Ratchet? Syphon Filter? Jak? Sly cooper sequel? KZ Mercenary2? Lumines? Hot Shots2? Like where are the games that people will actually buy?
No Scyther no buy!
no Scyther.....
they went from tampering with peoples virtual lives to messing with the security of peoples every day lives and the lives of others who have not a clue what going on.
cant stand seeing XBox stuff on EA games.
Kojima is one of a kind. i love the Naughty Dog team and Games, but Kojima is one of a kind.
just from this stunt i want Tomb Raider to fail on XB1 then when it comes to ps4 i want everyone to avoid it.
Reptile please. and don't turn him into a damn dinosaur.
the vita doesnt need more remakes. Just make it a brand new game, and actually advertise it
Great game, would be perfect for sony to take a chance on a comeback if they brought it to the Vita to gauge the interest.
when this trilogy is all said and done. i have a feelings people are gonna look back at it and call it an epic fail.
Double Dash is the best one by far. Mario Kart 7 is the worst
always that jerk in the middle of the ocean who uses Sagat. Never fails
Aside from the 4hour fee. Are the other fees really that bad? I mean people get done playing games so fast now that the $60price tag isnt worth it. Look at Wolfenstein, no multiplayer and low replayability make it not worth the $60 price tag thats thrown on it, im sure toms of people would have LOVED TO PAY $15 for a…
its already out of stock :(