Stop telling people what they should do on their own channels
Stop telling people what they should do on their own channels
Me and my friend are literally playing both at the same time as we speak
Its so laggy
Anyone who has anything bad to say about women in this game are gonna be labled and sexist lol.
Why does it feel like every week a pro gamer is accused of pedophelia...
very curious to see how many games it has WITHOUT ports of old stuff.
i bet he plays.
EVERYTHING is overpriced.
the gamecube wii and wii u do understand that right?
DC wants their “Chris Evans as Captain America” moment with this casting.
you cant be a wings arent a 42yr old soccer mom.
really annoyed that Gen 3 will see a “Gradual” rollout
Been saying it for years. Capcom is being sabotaged from the inside.
I saw the video after everyone was making a big deal about it...and it wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be
I remember this happened to Madden when favre was on the cover, and the later copies had his jets jersey.
This was on my sad
sinkholes can set your family back generations because insurance doesnt cover it.
Figurarts....means $60-$80 price tag
Actually its not...when they call GS to see what kind of workee u are, they will know that u left ur store during a workday and was very unprofessional...
Listening to a random guy spit random numbers also isnt the smartest thing to do....