im a seattle fan and i am pissed. i was actually tweeting Cam newton to beef up his campaign.
im a seattle fan and i am pissed. i was actually tweeting Cam newton to beef up his campaign.
does this mean they will delete the games we downloaded for the past 3years from our DL list?
50years is a long time.... you could say 15? maybe 10 to spark a conversation?
it all started when THQ decided to bring the Smackdown series to the Xbox 360. in turn changing the controls and focus away from the core fans playing the game for the past 7years before it.
im impressed. Activision is finally taking a big gamble on this franchise. This direction is sure to piss some people off
no baby park makes me sad
i dont understand the logic of pricing it higher when your sales are so bad. Nintendo should have taken that bundle kept it at $300 with all of the stuff.
they have a camera that shoots 4k....pretty sure this isnt an indie.
Photomode and Paper trailer has kept this game in my system....Ground Zeroes is pissed, and Titanfall is even more pissed at me.
It was too late to do ports. It wouldnt have paid off for them. Its a virtual guarantee that this will be one/ps4 bound
Seattle Scythers woulda been much better. Atalanta looks awesome
wow this guys voice is annoying
not doing this anymore. cant catch a Scyther=LAME
No Pokemon in Detroit :( even pokemon is scared of us.
ive been saying Skullomania since Super Street Fighter 4 :-(
i cant wait to play this again. im a huge cammy fan but moved away from her with the addition of Adon. cant wait to try Decapre
you insinuated that uncharted wasnt a good game.
doesnt this mean Pikachu will be in the video game.....on the XBox and Playstation
how bout having a writer write a fucking book instead of a video game. you have no idea what your are talking about, go back to waiting on Titanfall....or is it Half Life 3.