Thank you for this. I seriously don’t understand where all this myopic anti-Max stuff comes from.

Excellent background on the situation, and it provides a bit more context. Thanks for this~

I wanted to thank you for pointing out this blatant inconsistency in logic, since this stupid claim got shamelessly plugged at the end of his latest article:

Also, if you want to know how he handles a mix of tension and comedy (since those are an important balance in Star Wars), The Brothers Bloom is excellent to give you a sense of what he’s bringing in to The Last Jedi after seeing Brick/Looper since those two films are excellent, but very different from his other one.

God forbid the premise of a fun fictional film is both fun and fictional.

Terminator Genisys is the #1 example of this not happening with a bigger film, and a huge moment being utterly and irrevocably spoiled in a trailer (and then subsequently in posters and everything else).

I’d disagree, only because of Terminator Genisys.

Came to the comments hoping that someone had pointed this out, because it’s so glaringly obvious. There have definitely been worse events of killing and death in US History that involved guns, but not something that specifically qualified as a “mass shooting” by the given definition.

SPINAL GRANTASY VII – My new favourite joke, and not only because one of my 4th disc images was finally used for something more than just existing as an interesting archive of stuff.

Randomly thought about this game again and this was the only article where I saw anybody mentioning it being too close to home. My gf got it when it came out, and was playing it along with me, so that I could keep track of things and we could talk about it. Fast forward a couple hours, and I’ve got anxiety badly

For the places outside of the US (and the few states they couldn’t do directly), they were just going to calculate the total profit from the DLC, and WB was gonna make a charitable donation for that same amount, so that all profit would still’ve gone to the family, and they’d just neatly side-stepped all of the red

No, go read the information posted there. That percentage of sales in 44 US states was what was being directly donated when you got the DLC. WB was going to take ALL of the profits that they earned in all 241 territories that the DLC was available and donate it ALL the profit to his family. The issue was that legal

What you think doesn’t matter, because that’s literally what they stated.

The issue is that, some places don’t allow donation like that, but WB planned to take any profit from the DLC and donate it on their own – which they can do if they want because at that point it’s their profit. There’s lots of weird legal obligations and stuff around channeling things directly into charities and

Yeah, but sometimes that’s the nature of legal requirements. In this case, overly cynical places like Kotaku that published articles assuming the worst to profit off the back of the negative microtransaction stuff basically screwed them out of being able to donate MASSIVE funds from the DLC sales to his family, which

Now playing

There’s a reason why they didn’t. Check the full description in the video, since it’s 1000x better than the two sentences we got on this from Kotaku.

Now playing

THEY DID IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. They were going to donate 100% of the profits from the DLC, and knew that DLC sales were likely to be more significant than just a little donation link. It’s the cynics and negative press that fucked this one up. Just go read the description on the re-upload they did of the trailer:

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Go read the full description on the YouTube video. They WERE going to donate 100% of the profits from the DLC. This excuse for a follow-up by Kotaku isn’t doing the damn thing any justice at all, especially because Kotaku is in part to blame for this not working because of their original article.

Go read the description on the YouTube video. This paragraph in particular:

“Specifically, we decided to sell the DLC worldwide and donate all profits from the DLC to the family. Although we decided to donate all profits to the family, we only planned to actively promote this donation in the U.S. (excluding certain

You know: Maybe actually read the description of the video they uploaded and give us a fully-fleshed out article like this follow-up deserves: