Heard on NPR this morning that 4 guys that were being held for raping a girl along a road in India were taken to the scene of the crime and they supposedly tried to get away. The police shot them all dead and people were happy. A family memeber was quoted as being “happy and that their daughter was at peace now”

Those barriers are there for good reason assholes! It’s dumb enough to cross the barrier, but crossing the barrier and then turning your back on the animal (which further triggers a predator’s instincts) is colossally stupid. People who flout basic common sense to get better selfies deserve to be mauled.

“...the fish are designed to be exclusively female as well as sterile, though the process is not entirely effective...”

After a few years of acne and careful research (and also a bit of scarring), I feel I am in a position to talk about this.

It’s a good one when you hear it both pop and hit the mirror.

From what I’ve read, other countries have better, more efficient recycling systems for a few reasons.

A real man knows that people look and judge, but doesn’t care ;)

Just noticed some coloring similarities between Tide and Goku ....

This is a great concept on paper, but I feel like you’re suggesting that people, now, with 7 weeks left in the year, try to call their providers and book appointments for stuff like an annual physical, and specialists... With the lack of primary care docs out there, booking annual physicals can be something that takes

Better headline: “Schedule two appointments in one day: first-in-the-morning and first-after-lunch”

Six days. Six. I’m a gay dude and even I know that’s not a good sign.

Alex. You lose one hour *once* Just once. And everyone born after spring 2019 will NEVER lose it again. And fuck, it won’t be dark when you go home after 5 pm there come the deepest middle of winter. Isn’t that worth one last hour of your life? To not have that flip-flop is worth it, in spades.

For real this reads like some incel manifesto on an “alleged” shooters Facebook.

“Listen, I’m not perfect, but women aren’t perfect and that’s gross. All of my standards are reasonable and because of this, I can never be happy nor will I ever sully my perfect record, by picking through the “damaged”bin. A bin which I am DEFINITELY not apart of.


lol, i think you watch too much porn, either that or you run in a very weird social circle.  maybe both.  i kept expecting there to be a punchline at the end, but it never came.

ever since then I’ve been voting middle-right.. and will continue to do so.

It’s not murder because a fetus isn’t a person

I doubt anyone is interested in reading your long ass bullshit post. Don't have abortions if you don't like them. 

It’s 2018 bitch we all big.