I saw this painting last year--and there was quite the crowd for it. However, everyone was moving in a relatively civil fashion, and leaving once they got their photos. It took me 5 minutes--tops--to get my photos and required selfie. :-)
I saw this painting last year--and there was quite the crowd for it. However, everyone was moving in a relatively civil fashion, and leaving once they got their photos. It took me 5 minutes--tops--to get my photos and required selfie. :-)
When I was in Rome last year, I got into a minor fuss with a Republican man from Texas. In one of the chapels, men AND women shared a line to a bathroom—a larger washroom with two stalls with female placards and one stall with a male placard. I gave no craps, as we were ALL in the same line together, and stalling for…
I went bonkers at a Daiso in Seoul that was around the corner from my hotel. OMG...quality Korean things for 1000 won!! (it is about 1 USD) I made sure to buy things that were made in Japan or Korea, and mailed a couple boxes full of food/makeup/awesome stuff home.
I am wayyyy past that 8 year inactive reserve window that applies to most folks nowadays. My commission essentially makes me recallable until I am 60 (of course, I did not find that out until I was outprocessing).
I am sending this to my Republican conservative Dad.
...and he sayeth to his loyal flock of aging caucasian men.
My younger brother tried the “chore card” as a gift one year I had instructions on it to,”throw it at him.” Later, I threw it at him and asked for him to clean his “room” (AKA the entire basement).
I am more concerned about that long, draping sleeve that is dangling precariously close to the fire on the stove.
I had a corgi whose job was to look after me through my 20s...that poor guy had the most distinguished grey that started at the base of his ears and migrated down towards his neck—right along that ridge of fur. I have little doubt that I caused most of that—he KNEW his job was to keep me from being stupid, protecting…
I have mixed luck with this type of opener. About 50% of the time I succeed, all of the others result in me using a winged corkscrew to pull the thing out (and one where the cork got pushed into the bottle).
I have heard that before, but never had a problem with the bread drying out. There is even a slight bit of condensation in the bag, but I attribute it to being anal retentive--I secure the end of the bag AND fold it underneath the loaf before placing it in the fridge.
When you say it like that, it sounds like it totally is your fault. ;-)
Agreed. I started green smoothies a few years ago as an experiment for my father’s diet, and my cholesterol has been great ever since.
Warning to all: If you do green smoothies right, and make it more green vegetable than fruit, you will crap/fart a TON until your body adjusts to the massive increase in fiber. For me,…
I put my bread in the fridge because I don’t eat it fast enough. If I leave it on the counter, it gets moldy. Refrigerating the bread seems to keep it edible.
(It also reduces the temptation for my dogs...they try to counter-surf if it is alone and undefended, and I am off at work.)
People like that make me realize that Scott D. Weitzenhoffer’s quote applies to far more than creationists, “Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.”
Earlier today, I was comparing my workplace culture to a pack of wolves. When there is something bigger to focus on, we operate marvelously as one fluid pack. When there is bad weather and nothing to focus on, we harass and gnaw on one another in such a way that any outsider looking in would think we were all a bunch…
Whenever I gamed with a group, I made a point of “accidentally” destroying male characters who hit on my female character in game, which was always a lame attempt IRL. It was never a purposeful kill of an ally, it was more of a “in character, she simply did not care that he got caught within range of her attack.”
I also figure that one can take advantage of a hot car in the summer for the same purpose. After crossing roads with one, my luggage sat in my car in the sun for a while. (I even left clothing/shoes on my dash to make sure they got thoroughly roasted because I was too creeped out to take ANYTHING into my house)
I had an “experience” earlier this year. I inspect my hotel rooms, but still woke up one morning to see something scurrying away. I pinned it to my bed with my phone, came to, realized what was likely under my phone, trapped it in a jar and verified what it was. (...and fussed at it for being full of my blood)
I packed…
I also learned the last lesson about quality luggage the hard way. Afterwards, I invested in a Tortuga backpack...and it is the best thing EVER. I learned to keep the weight of my carry-on baggage under control, wash clothes instead of taking 2+ weeks of stuff with me, and it gives me a massive amount of flexibility…