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    Dogs are awesome. I spook contractors/postal workers/visitors because my trio is “set off” once a vehicle stops in front of the house. I usually meet them at the door before they are ready.

    All this talk of what Trump is going to do makes me think about ancient Egypt. Several new pharaohs would try to decimate anything that remained of an unpopular or hated predecessor—policies, gods/goddesses, temples, statues, literature—sometimes even moving/building the capital city someplace else.

    My initial purge was caused by the “you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time,” quote. It really irked me, thus the closet-purge commenced. (I think I am probably down to 35% of what I originally had stuffed in the closet, with 2 more large bags going out next week.)

    Ain’t that the sad, sad truth?!? Not to mention, a lot of non-artists do not think about the amount of time that goes into it. (not even the time it takes to build the experience, plan, sketch, and so on--but to actually execute it)

    One of the things about this election that pisses me off the most is that this damned woman will keep showing up on TV.

    Outside of my “real” full-time job, I am an amateur artist—good enough to sell my work, but not good enough to make a decent living off it in the long-term. I would travel with a small circle of artists so that we could cut our expenses while attending shows.

    Yup, this tactic helped me after I had cleared out about 50% of my closet. I was hanging on to items that were adorable and I loved the way they looked on the hanger. One day I forced myself to put those items on—and they really did look better on the hanger than me.

    This article spurred me to try and sell a candle lamp. After Amazon tried to get me to list it with a UPC (...which I cannot find ANYWHERE, even on the tag still attached to the statue), I think I will take the lazy way out, put it in my thrift donation pile, and write it off my taxes. X-D

    I was a practicing Wiccan the same time I was in the military—and that made for some fun.
    - I was outright told to change my religion in my records if I wanted to progress as a military officer. I got irate and changed it to “Jedi.”
    - I was the unofficial animal-handler because snakes, bats and bugs would find their

    I know it is not professional, but I kind of wish her response could have been this.

    I go with the argument for multiple dogs because the older dogs can teach the new dog. When all dogs are in good health, I foster dogs because a new addition observes the pack and picks up quickly on acceptable behaviors.

    At least it is your ex-best friend. My parents just dropped a bombshell that they are going to Ecuador for cheap surgery, and are looking into buying property to “escape Hillary.”

    Tea. It has been a terribly unlucky week at work, my brother is not even trying to move out of my house, and I cannot make any more home repairs (massive hailstorm a couple months ago wrecked a lot) because winter is setting in, and my ulcers are acting up. T_T

    Now playing

    Have you seen the video of Seth Myers roasting Trump? They occasionally pan over to Trump—who looks like he is plotting how to rip out Seth’s heart and turn it into hair pomade.

    I get several boxes of candy, give it out until I get tired (or the kid traffic slows down), then I seriously dump EVERYTHING left onto whoever happens to be my “last person.”

    2 medium red beets in my green smoothie will turn my piss pink. My brother claims that one tiny concentrated beet drink will have that effect for him (but it does not work for me).

    I sent this to my brother who lives in my basement. 33 and he still cannot clean his bathroom—the last time I seriously addressed it with him, he blamed ME because I did not specify what I wanted to see of his bathroom. >_<*

    I have a well-paying full-time job, but my hobby is art. This has led me to befriend many amazing starving artists who I meet at conventions. They know I make a lot, but I play off my purchases as,”I forgot how much ___ cost.” (I buy Emergen-C packs, hand sanitizer, and snacks for the group, with someone else usually

    My Trumper Dad refuses to even bring up politics—mostly because he does not want to argue with his liberal daughter. I figure he must be torn because he raised me to be independent, intelligent, and competent—and knows there is no way to defend his choice to my face.

    Do you know what types of people use flower-cut sandwiches and cucumbers and bell peppers for a kid’s lunch?!?! Witches and liberals!!!
    *cue old conservative twitching and frothing at the mouth*