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    Yeah, it is kind of a double-edged sword. Granted, one is not eating meat, but then one is eating a highly processed bunch of things made to resemble meat—which seems almost as detrimental to the body.

    I simply ask, “have I used this in the last 5 years?” No? Then I probably never will use it and I don’t need to keep hoarding it.I have been making good progress with this approach—and subsequent declutterings have since narrowed down my parameters to 2 years or so.

    SMOKE came off of my eyeballs during my PRK surgery. (similar to LASIK, but can get a bit more “in there” for really bad eyes/astigmatism) MY brother got it on video and it was awesome!
    (...I was the only undrugged patient that morning who was happy/in awe of the operation...everyone else was scared and on Valium)

    All these type of antics do is convince me that they are a bunch of rude jackwagons trying to bully people into getting on their mean, hateful bandwagon.

    ...there is a Biker Mice From Mars joke to be made here...

    My 32-year old brother’s diet is mostly meat and soylent...sometimes bread/potatoes. I am not kidding. It is danged gross.

    I wish there was, but I can’t help but think the “support group” would be bent on simply removing the guilt.

    Once you get the hang of it, it will be very easy to maintain. I started off consciously making an effort, but now I easily go several days without eating any meats. Granted, I learned to cook alot more—which also is better in the long run. (...and cashew milk is an awesome alternative to dairy milk)

    You bring up a good point. I have always been taught food respect. Heck, I have gone so far as to teach my dogs food respect. Three dogs—all perfectly trained to NEVER take another dog’s food until they have walked away from it.

    This. Skillet with a lid. The pizza is just as good (if not better) than when it first came from the oven/delivery guy.

    Most of the guys who have liked/loved me enough to cook for me know that my heart is only accessible when my stomach is full. To hell with “entitlements.” :-)

    That poor OP needs to immediately recify that behavior in the man.

    I had the same thought. This is the kind of guy that will refuse to take any “feedback” in bed because he believes that he is perfect.

    I stabbed my brother in the hand with a fork over a slice of bacon that he tried to pilfer. Thick cut, perfectly crisped, and was reserved as “the best for last.”

    Decluttering has been a point where my entire life has shifted. I now detest buying new stuff, but enjoy getting rid of things.

    If it helps, I actually keep donation boxes in the back of my car and fill them up from there. Once the back of my car gets obnoxiously full, it is time to drop stuff off.

    I make a point of only buying a few souvenirs, and they MUST come from that country. I was in Venice last month and on the hunt for a Venetian mask. There were a crap-ton of cheap Chinese-made masks all over the place. After much hunting, I found a local shop that makes their masks in-house. I gave them a huge chunk

    I dated a guy similar to this for 2 years. His idea was that he could “change me” and he tried to convince me to leave college so that I could marry him and start my life as a brood mare because “[I] had done enough, and it was time to do what women should do.”

    Seeing the difference between Sweet Pea’s hair and the “show dogs” makes me think of my own hair compared to Cindy Crawford’s glorious, thick locks. Either you got it, or there simply is ZERO hope.

    I really wish I knew about this two months ago...when my trip planning involved only the Costco vacation site and too mich wine.