I just returned from Europe...it was kind of comforting because every other tourist I came across who spoke English thinks we are absolutely nuts/stupid for letting Trump get as far as he has.
I just returned from Europe...it was kind of comforting because every other tourist I came across who spoke English thinks we are absolutely nuts/stupid for letting Trump get as far as he has.
I can see Taylor’s teeth, which doesn’t give me as much of a mouthbreather vibe as Kim’s “sexyface.”
On a similar note, when I was in Rome this past week, I asked a tour guide about the place where Julius Caesar was killed, and she replied, “Oh! You want the Roman Cat Sanctuary!” and gleefully told me that the tour would end close to it.I was admittedly a bit confused.
Many years ago, I came across an insecure guy who demanded that I chose between him or my corgi. I was aghast at the very idea, and sent him on his way because, “that dog will love me forever, you will stop caring about me once you are out of that door. Now go.”
My family insists on seeing photos of me at the actual place I am adventuring at. Rather than hand my ever-important phone to a stanger, I “lug” around the relatively small stick in my bag of holding (a.k.a. my purse).
I fail to see why the “I am no soup kitchen” and anti-feminist tirade was directed at me, but if a guy were to throw out the, “If you pay I put out, If I pay guess what sweetie,” line—I would split the bill, make it clear that no one will be putting out, and call it an evening because you strike me as a very…
I am certain that any guy I have dated recognized that I am unique within the first few minutes of conversation—maybe one of these days I will find one that appreciates it properly. :-)
Eek! $100 is serious to me, regardless of the era! O_o I would have to say that you dodged some bullets there!
I can’t help but think that some evils simply need to be removed from this world. There is little to no hope of ever fixing what is wrong with him, so I can’t help but feel that ending that existence is better than maintaining it at all.
Well, that is about as shallow as a kiddie pool. To each his own, but if you have such an aversion to chipped nail polish, your own grooming better be effin’ immaculate...or you are a beautician.
I have brought it up in other dating articles, but as a girl, it seems to be a dealbreaker to pay for the first date. My male coworkers believe that it is seen as emasculating...but given that I am me, if that is all it takes to chase them off, then they are not man enough for me in the first place. X-D (bless those…
Awww, a selfie stick isn’t that bad! I have one that I only use when I am traveling solo to other countries where I can’t/don’t ask strangers to take a photo of me. That phone is too important to hand to a stranger!
It has unfortunately always scared the crap out of me—so much so that I always have weapons on me—as well as letting friends/family know where I am going to be. There are alot of crazy people out there now, and I have had more than my fill of guys stalk/threaten me.
Same goes for being rotten to a waiter/waitress. I generally consider those to be lousy people to their core. A bad tipper would probably not be quite as bad, but I have rarely seen a bad tipper who is kind to wait staff—usually they are lousy in both regards.
I believe that is the fundamental difference between (most) males and females. Many guys would loooove to hear something like that from a woman. However, most women would cringe hearing guys talk about their lack of underwear.
I don’t know the reference, but any guy who tries that with me is pulling back a nub.
My workplace has filled cars with balloons, packing peanuts, and confetti-shredded paper to the brim. (not together, those were three separate pranks)
I fought and fought to consolidate, and finally succeeded last year with a carry-on backpack and a large handbag. It was AMAZING! I am about to go to Europe—and I am doing the backpack, but no handbag. I highly recommend the Tortuga line of backpacks if you really want to give it a go.
There is something silly that happens to us when we expect to hear a different language. My friends and I had a group of tourists approach us in Japan, asking us in broken Japanese to take their photo. We realized this, told them that we knew English (in English), and they were completely stunned/confused until one of…
Per the musical, I think it is safe to say he is a cannibal.