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    I suppose my saving grace was that I went to a military school—between chow hall food and all of the required physical activity, I had to constantly snack to maintain my weight.

    The Air Force Academy has a tradition of “spirit cheese” that would fly around the stands during football games. I want to say about 2000-ish, give or take a year, the higher-ups banned the cadets from throwing spirit cheese because they supposedly worried that someone would get their eyes injured.

    My brother and I almost had a brawl over whether this was cheese or not. I won. American cheese was never used in my house again.

    I am going to be the killjoy here...but this makes me think of my poor old corgi as he neared the end of his days. As he aged, he struggled to get down the stairs—and did not want any help (belly sling ticked him off). At one point, he stood at the top of the stairs, cried, and I realized that he was terrified because

    All Garfield comics ever did for me was make me DESPISE comic strips that copy/paste the same danged image into multiple panels in a comic.

    That is a commercial that advertises Kim more than the danged energy drink. Once I recognized that it was full of gratuitous Kim-tastic filler, I sped through it and realized that I had missed nothing. (seriously, I would have been pissed spending 2+ minutes watching that)

    Removed double post. (Sorry)

    I can’t help but think about Gaston AND the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors.


    THIS!! I have been fostering a chihuahua/min pin mix for almost two years now and cannot find him a home! I have put up flyers around town and everything! (granted, the rescue itself is kind of a pain...)

    ...tails are wayy too long. They need to only have the spiked tip attached to their nubby tails. X-D

    Say hello to my cojack! (corgi x jack russel terrier)

    I am going to kick anyone I see eating a bag of Biscuits & Gravy potato chips in the shins. The sancitity of the best breakfast dish ever does not deserve to be disrespected like this.

    Mom??? ;-)

    Ditto. I just assumed the meat HAD to be well-done because if you cooked the month-old circus elephant only to medium, you could make troops ill.

    When I see “free stuff,” I tend to think, “something relatively useless that will clutter my trash can made for less than pennies by an exhausted worker in China.”

    Yup, my brother collects everything because he wants to “save money” For example, he found a $200 coat (yes, he drags things home) and keeps it in the bottom of the closet for its potential value...but I tell him is worth nothing if it sits in the bottom of his closet.

    I can only hope he is man enough to fess up. I have a long-standing grudge I have held against a “friend” who severely PO’d me one evening and never apologized because he claims that he was too drunk to remember (numerous friends from that night out told him that he NEEDED to apologize).

    In spite of everything, I am glad that the show stepped up and provided protection for Castro—that shows at least a decent level of accountability.