
Another video I get to add to my must watch list of Youtube, just incredible.

VLC is a all in one fix, and especially if you got it from the video editor who just uploads the file to a website, it would all be one format, maybe change from provider to provider but I can only assume that most would default to one format instead of choosing 10.

What I find ridiculous, is that I can find a 512GB USB 3.0 stick on some Chinese websites for 20$. The price on memory is just dropping considerably, and to hear that you can get a TB of data for 40$ where as 10 years ago it would have been closer to 925$ (http://www.jcmit.com/diskprice.htm), it just blows me away.

Also, this will come to more than a handful of countries, like chromecast does. They aren't sold anywhere in Canadaland except for on Amazon, for 50$. I'd rather wait for a good alternative than to pay 20$ more than what it does 100km's south of me.

I just want to live somewhere where basic transit doesn't suck. Really, none of us should really have to drive in order to get somewhere. I'd be happy if transit fees went up if I could get somewhere 30km's away in less than an hour.

I'd be happy if 5-10 actually meant 5-10. I have an advertised speed of 80Mbps and I actually only get, max, 11.

The only reason for a lot of things is money, and greed. I heard 1GB of data costs cell phone companies as low as .10 cents, a ridiculous number considering I pay 100x that number to get it.

Of course, the most important of the 3 strains being sativa (hemp), correct? ;)

As another comment said previously, I hope some big game changers get into this, such as Nvidia, Intel and AMD, Canon, Nikon, along with hopefully some new battery tech, because battery life has seen the least amount of advancements, and with this we could look to a company to improve current technologies.

Sorry, your highness. I thought we were taking the comments sections on a blog, not playing politics.

Except, you're wrong, it can do upload as well. I've done my research good sir, and if you bothered to read deeper into the subject you would find this out.

It would only be projected downwards, if you wanted to read up on it if you wanted to.

If it doesn't happen now it'll happen at some point in time.

Sounds like some house of cards stuff going on, obviously this kind of information was not meant to be leaked.

Great news, I'm sure one day we won't need tech like this if outernet.is ever becomes something. Internet from space, could function even during a power outage or disaster, could give disaster protocols out, how to survive, where to go.

Is there a jailbreak for mac?

Or, if you're jailbroken, there is a fix out in Cydia.

Know what's awesome about having short hair? I don't give a fuck, I'll trim it off if I ever get them.

I understand, I just don't care. People are not likely to give up there right to bare arms, and why should they. If they feel safer, good for them. If they have 5, so what? I'd be just as worried if they had 1, seeing how you can 3D print 45 round cartridges, it doesn't really matter how many a single person has, if

People compare the mobile industry to heavily to the desktop industry. No way could a powerhouse phone hold up to a powerhouse computer. Phones would do better with a better optimized dual core chip, rather than a quad core chip that doesn't really know what it's doing, besides it's name branding.