
This sounds like the low end of mobile handsets, especially with a screen that appears to be outdated by tech from 3-4 years ago, it feels like more of a re-skin of predecessors than anything.

With Qualcomm releasing mobile chipsets like this, and they have been for many years, and a lot of big competitors using them, doesn't this close the gap on competitive features? If all flagship models of this years phone have this chip, what's to differentiate one phone from the other if they'll all operated by the

The fact that they added that last "in a waterproof phone" bit means to me that it'll probably be outclassed easily. Megapixels don't mean much, instead of opting for more in the 5s Apple increased the cameras sensitivity, includes a larger sensor and a dual flash, and it competed with other flagship models that were

Well, unless there is a cell carrier breach that we are unaware of , then no. You should be safe. Also, there is a new tweak out named SSLPatch, that'll fix it without updating. No need!

I don't know how you could be against guns when you're about 300 years too late to say that. Guns are so readily available that the average person could go get one no problem, and even if they were discontinued, so what? The amount of guns that are out there is staggering, there's no way to remove them all even if a

Here's an idea, use closed networks or just use data. Public networks are filled with holes.

An article, or a twitter post?

I don't understand the pricing on these things. They COULD be 20$, and a decent profit margin.

Basically carriers are telling Netflix, stop giving our users reason to spend more data than needed, give us money or we wont follow through with the consumer experience.

Most pronounce it .giff, not .jif.

May seem neat, but all I see is a ugly way to pinch your ass if you don't sit up before doing so.

That last one, it even looks like a font, if I knew the name of it I'd post it, but I've seen it before.

So, basically they're doing what Tropicana did to our Orange Juice?

I think what I'm more exited about than anything, and something most/all of us can agree on, is that the less lag the better. Not always does faster internet mean a less lossy connection.

Now playing

Makes you wonder of some of the places you've been in today and what has become of them, often abandoned buildings and government facilities. One nearby me is a 1940's era radar facility, abandoned and you can drive to it still, however scetchy it is. The only light is through broken boarded windows, staircases have

Here in Canadaland, any indoor buiesness/government facility it is illegal to smoke. Even if you're in a car with a kid >2 years old, it's a fine.

To make people that are freaking out about the labelling shut it. Surprise surprise, bananas are GMO, no matter which one you pick up. Organic, or non organic. A fungus adapts to kill off the entire species every 50 years or so, the current banana will change given enough time, and if the fungus gets all the crops.

I think something we should be more concerned about is what they put on our food, not wether or not something is genetically modified. I get why it should be labeled, but not what all the fuss is. Pretty much every single product you see in produce is a GMO.

Every service provider in those cities must be shitting their pants. Competition like this is fierce in places where ISP's say that they "cant do better than x Mbps", when clearly they could if they knocked down their exuberant markups on products that have been shown to be cheaper than advertised time and time again.

Well, I'll give you that last part. I think now more than ever we're at a time of peace.