
We're not prepared, and we're about 200 years out from being able to do something. Even if a 2KM chunk comes our way, I doubt people would actually be able to agree to work together and forget about currency and ownership of their personal items if it meant even the saving of everyone on the planet.

Thought this was legitimate for the first 20 seconds, and then I was kind of like.. Wait.. What?

Little do they know that the Internet is now a thing. You can't get away with doing shit like this now a days without the Internet freaking out about it until something is done to fix the issue, this is one of those things that I could see being the next talked about things on the Internet, every month or two you see

Cron? What are this?

Almost as ridiculous as paying for different data caps, especially when the storage is local. That's like saying oh you bought this 1000$ PC, we took 200$ off so, now you have to pay a overage fee for every 10 hours worth of content that is on it, wether or not it's media or not.

People saying it doesn't bother you, why doesn't it? Someone is monitoring your internet activities without explicit permission.

I see your point, but at the same time I think that those technologies could be developed alongside the physical team that installs the fibre.

I think it's more important to get this rolled out at least nation wide before we start thinking about 10GB/s in 3 years, considering how slow the roll out has been.

It should continue to drop in size/weight year after year. A gret step towards longer lasting smartphones.

Great for them, a good idea all around. Can you imagine you could browse a live( or probably for security reasons, delayed for a couple of hours) feed of the globe? Being able to browse a live feed of an incoming storm on live feed would be intense. Now we just need some outernet.is, a wifi from space. Global wifi

Maybe your bike is unloyal.

I happen to disagree, lesser technologies have failed because the technology wasn't there to make it happen. One day it'll be a big thing, who doesn't like the idea of being able to go for a jog somewhere incredible you will likely never be able to go visit, or go explore an entire city, empty, in a survival first

The future of gaming is very exiting, one day developers of games will be able to just include a "select character model" into games and you can play them entirely first person with the oculus, and you really are the character you are playing in game.

Lovely gif, good reference to boot.

Apps of the early App Store are pretty shitty, compared to the average app of today. Today, you need to invest a lot of time and energy into your app for it to make it, kind of like if you're a music artist, even if you make great stuff, it'll take a bit to get recognized, if ever. Just get lucky.

It could, if more than one image was taken and merged. It's doubtful that it would change too much between exposure shots. It's not too much to ask for, considering how awesome it is, I'm sure nasa would benefit having a greater image of the phenomenon as well.

The better question is, why snit this available in 1920x1080p? Haven't we been through this already NASA?

This happens if you go to a beach and tap your foot a couple of times over the wet sand, on a much smaller scale. Your foot will sink right in if you leave it there, it's fun to do and see. I do it every time I go to one.

It just looks like an insane amount of work to be able to do this kind of stuff. I can barely juggle 2 things, like most people. This is just absurd. But awesome.

It just looks like an insane amount of work to be able to do this kind of stuff. I can barely juggle 2 things, like most people. This is just absurd. But awesome.