
Lol what

The iPhone 6 is hardly ‘new’ now, though.

I figure we will have private car ownership and use on roads till 2030, people will eventually move to autonomous vehicles as they can drive several factors in higher speed than humans in various situations, such as high way use.

Do you have any reasoning or sources to back your claims?

Radar goes through raindrops and snow, shouldn’t be too many issues as long as the right technology is utilized.

Kind of a meh price even still, the manufacturing cost of these must be under 100.

I disagree, just because 4k cannot be maxed doesn’t mean it isn’t usable or isn’t worth it. I have a 4k monitor paired with a GTX 680, a 4 year old video card, and I can still get 4k on low-medium with most games.

I disagree, just because 4k cannot be maxed doesn’t mean it isn’t usable or isn’t worth it. I have a 4k monitor

The cost is making this kind of argument null, even if you need double the solar panels, the cost is negligible in comparison deployment of geothermal.

This so much, I don’t mind cardboard but it really needs work.

I like it when people put it into terms Canadians can understand!

Good thing the human eye can only see 3.5gb right?

Phones aren’t even close to the resolution of the Oculus, about half. Plus, Oculus obtains sub millimetre accuracy with IR LED’s combined with a camera,and 90hz OLED (true black) displays. Phones are good at providing a comparable experience, but are not a replacement for a true consumer VR display.

Flat 360,so far. I probably won't invest in 360 degree video until it gives a sense of depth.

Its pretty safe to assume that they wouldn’t want to bring in subpar Internet to a country, other companies do this well enough, you didn’t miss anything.

Absolutely fantastic, I wonder if google will offer free, and paid alternatives, I'm not sure it Cubans are able to afford Google Fiber

As far as I'm aware it doesn't cost the power companies anything to keep power cables attached to your house. My parents have never had theit power company go anywhere near their cables in over 30 years.

It’s not just a game, it is one of the most complex games for AI to have mastered, although if you read the article you could come to appreciate the level of sophistication required for such a program to work.

Bus drivers get paid a hella lot, let that implication sink in.

No, this is if you supported their kickstarter

I have high hopes for VR to fill the boots of theaters