
By shooting a cable? Do you think the bullet has a metal wire from one end attaching to his wrist? I would say it's one of the least likely ways to get electrocuted. The falling wire though, I'd be more conserned about.

Honestly, this is worth it if you even just purchase a new computer. Most of the time computer component shipping is 50$ if you get every computer compnet, let alone if you upgrade more than once a year.

1 Billion PPI.

Canada has way stiffer laws in regards to food preparation, and rightfully so. I'm glad that we do, I'd be happy to pay a little bit more knowing that what I am eating is regulated and is watched over.

I hole heartedly concur.

Nope, roaming around BF4 tonight instead.

Like to foresee the future of it, glad to see it, actually. Just exited for the future of technologies of it.

Honestly sounds kind of useless to me. Sure, the idea is neat and all, but would make it worth while having if it had about 15 different chemicals in it that combined to even 5 whifs of different scents you could select from an app, and upload different ones that could be simulated. I can see this one day being a

I would like to note, I'm almost surprised it isn't included in the article, that there is a tweak in Cydia that enables this keyboard system wide, like it should have been implemented.

Yes indeed! Hell, I even made a mask in High School, still have it. You can breathe through it and everything. It was designed to be a filter, but it only stopped about 1/10 doctors deaths, although there have been no conclusions that it worked, or rather that the doctor simply failed to contract the plague.

3rd times the charm.

For the people that actually read through the article, you'd find it to be a 7 out of 10. Points docked for tight screws and high risk of electrocution upon disassembly.

Probably be ironed out VIA Cydia before it will be by Apple..

Blood was probably shed over this, as sad and as beautiful of a diamond it is.

I don't have a cap, and I eat through about 2TB's a month upload and download, majority upload. Download is about 750GB of that 2TB's.

I don't have a cap, and I eat through about 2TB's a month upload and download, majority upload. Download is about 750GB of that 2TB's.

They wear eye protection in most videos, notice how they said "surprisingly" powerful?

That desktop computer, be weary of its 16GB SSD. I remember it as a plague to my computer it was just enough for the OS and core components, I would always reach the max storage just by watching YouTube videos, having to click through the video just trying to watch it.

I don't agree that 4k is over the top, but 8k most certainly is. Only projectors should ever be 8k. In the coming years I think we'll switch to VR tech

Don't know why they cant just say give us 5$ and we'll give you a key to watch it.