
I don't live in muricuh, that's what makes it so much fun to criticize.

Augmented reality. Smart watches are neat, but they're about 5 years or so out as far as practical use goes. The pebble was the first and only good step as far as smart watches go at the moment. Should be able to get a month out of a watch, a week out of your phone, wish battery tech would advance as fast as phone

Your phone sends and receives packets even when idle. That's kind of a null argument, because that proves nothing besides the fact that her phone was on, which it most likely was.

Hallelujah to that, I think you're one of the more talented writers here on Giz and there's not one article you post that I don't enjoy.

Don't live in the states, don't plan on it either.

350 million citizens... I don't know about you, but, that's a lot of people. Not to mention the amount of people that will come into the world between now and then.

I think the US government is within 20-30 years of being overthrown. Corrupt politicians and spying networks that watch everything you do, to what? Stop terrorism? It was never about terrorism, there are better, absolutely cheaper methods about going about it. Edward Snowden reiterated that fact a month or two ago.

You wanna see a cranky woman you put a baby that is 3 months along inside of her, like a period x10 that comes along in a couple of hours. The rush of hormones would be insane.

Hardware keyboards are nice, but sometimes you just gotta let go. I know it's what they built their brand on top of, but it would be just as easy for them to say, well let's design a phone that doesn't have one built in and offer a case that'll extend it's length by 30-40%, or a flip case, or just not one at all.

Compete with iPod? Easy, a long lasting, easy to use , micro SD card (or even space for 2, 128 gb's of storage? Fuck yeah), capable of playing any file type at a decent volumes. Only some really expensive audio file players can do that, if one doesn't come out that does something like that within a couple of years

I'll give you an idea of how 4K is switching things up. I work for a retail tech company, and today I saw a lot of sale prices turn to regular retail prices , almost half of what we have in stock. 4K is scaring 1080p prices down, just like I expected CES to do after hearing the future of affordable 4K TV's/monitors.

The very president that saw the evolution of what it is today? Sure. Sure.

Because games are already being developed for it. There are several stages of development for different kits, you can go onto oculus rifts website and get a dev kit, but there are better ones coming out (like the one that is linked in this article) like a 4k one that they're currently working on. As far as games go,

Before the argument comes up that 4k is useless, read this helpful graph. 4knis useful at normal monitor range. 4k at monitor range is equivelant to "retina" at phone/tablet range.

Before the argument comes up that 4k is useless, read this helpful graph. 4knis useful at normal monitor range. 4k at monitor range is equivelant to "retina" at phone/tablet range.

It helps to know what you're talking about

I can see the difference in 4k to 1080p from about 4 feet away, I'm pretty sure most can. I sit roughly 3 feet away from my monitor and sometimes I'd like to think I could perform better in game if I could see things that are further away (AKA higher PPI), because as it stands I can see the pixelation in 1080p

I can see the difference in 4k to 1080p from about 4 feet away, I'm pretty sure most can. I sit roughly 3 feet away from my monitor and sometimes I'd like to think I could perform better in game if I could see things that are further away (AKA higher PPI), because as it stands I can see the pixelation in 1080p

I can see the difference in 4k to 1080p from about 4 feet away, I'm pretty sure most can. I sit roughly 3 feet away from my monitor and sometimes I'd like to think I could perform better in game if I could see things that are further away (AKA higher PPI), because as it stands I can see the pixelation in 1080p

What about 4k monitors? I can't help but to think I'm not the only one that's curious about them, because all I'm seeing really so far coming out of CES is 4k TV. Let's see that resolution scaled down in size, as 4k PC gaming would be unreal.