
Beyond 4k there is no consumer benefit. 8K should be reserved for 80+" displays. It only makes sense.

All that future tech we've been dreaming about for the last 30 years will be becoming a reality in the next couple of years, we already have some early augmented reality demos showing up at CES, along with Oculus, smart watches and Google Glass (despite mixed opinions, Google has bottomless pockets, development will

If you watched the video...


I honestly don't think iOS or Android should get a chunk of it, I like mobile competition but it seems that something that is streamlined across all platforms in the automotive section, especially something that is open, is what it calls for.

I happen to disagree, you don't come within 15 feet of a highway and say "This is dangerous". You're more likely to die standing highway side than doing what this guy is doing.

Note I said sticks filled with carcinogenics, not sticks filled with tobacco.

So you know, the ones sucking on the other end of a stick filled with known carcinogenics, they're cool right?

I have about 4 tb's of pirated content at my house, I welcome the FBI to come into another country to seize a couple of hard drives.

Or humans, like frig, there's 7.1 billion of us and no one darts an eye to think we might be to blame.

Jessie Slaughter and a weird Japanese dog, go look it up.

Did amazon also give you 3 chances to post that?

I'm sure they've thought of this, it's not like your chest is just a cavity, it has other things in there to keep it supported as well. Worst case scenario they have to (as crude as it sounds) support the artificial heart by tying wires to the ribs and fastening them to the heart.

Are you disturbed by eating a burger?

Due to extensive research done by the League University of Science, diamond has been confirmed as the the hardest metal known the man. The research is as follows.

Grr to you too.

Jeez people, grr to you too. I was working on the basis that most mac builds are like that, way over priced and not worth buying.

That you could get for half the price if you self build? Yeah, great deal.

"A few days" even at DSL speeds is a pretty big break. Assuming they have better then that, they could be missing a fair amount of data.