
My only go seen is a fall in speed, because when you're talking about a very popular item (ex, Twitter or Facebook), in peer-to-peer clients, downloads speeds usually suffer because everyone is passing it to everyone, so that 2.5 MB/s up speed is now 100kb/s per user.

Usually, when it comes to cases that involve information taken from spying, the government will fill in the blanks instead of using said information against them, making up ways that they came across it instead of specifying how they actually got it. Happens a lot in drug busts, and trafficking related cases

I recently invested upon a Schiit Modi/Magni combo, needless to say it is quite the step up from a Fiio E17. Pair nicely with HD 650's

If you believe this you are merely a pawn of the governments lies, I mean not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but after this summers revolutions from Edward Snowden, can you really trust the government, or any government for that matter? Let alone a silly pointing fingers fight that's going on with this.

How about every printer ever?

Report: The NSA spies on all important government officials.

Gee, I'm glad you cleared that up. For a second I thought there might be more than one asteroid in outer space.

In an ideal environment, it's very easy to avoid the problems you were talking about. Just the way Google is mapping out the world with street view they could do the same with street lines that they already have. You can bet your ass that they'd do it in bigger cities, just like they have traffic updates built into

I was hoping for something a little more explosive, something that can prevent an asteroid disaster that would effectively block out the sun, hopefully something like that will be developed soon, because 2032 is looming closer and closer, to be honest I'm a little worried that people don't give as much of a shit as

Chances are the NSA told Obama she was about to call him before she even knew she was going to.

Experimentation. What's better than to let a couple of scientists go a little bit crazy in design and innovation when it comes to lives of innocent people, eh?

This is awesome, I wonder if in the coming months we might have the privledge of seeing all of this re-branded with a new blu-ray with "NEVER BEFORE SEEN SCENES".

1080p /= 1k

Yeah, I like the point IBM is making. Graphics today even compared to 10 years ago are incredibly advanced, but when you compare it to something that has been in development for billions of years, it seems kind of null. I'm sure we'll get there, and it's neat that a lot of phone manufactures can still say a 2x boost

It could very easily be replaced by a couple of people, sure a person can't handle the capacity of a super computer, but it sure as hell does a better job.

This shit has been going on for centuries, if anything I think it more just so points out how insecure our data transactions are.

Similar stories can be heard throughout prohibition, where the US government killed about 10 000 and poisoned a couple of hundred more trying to discourage the consumption of achohol.

If I could pay .99 cents an episode the day they were released I would, but I watched what I could up until Netflix had no more, and I'm not paying 40$ a month for 2 months so I can watch one TV show, it's obvious cable is now obsolete, companies need to embrace this and make media more easily acsessible, so I don't

Genius, but how? Does it have an Ethernet cable that plugs into the socket? Does it pulse the lightbulb faster than we can see in order to transmit data? And of course, does it have to be on in order for it to work? Can I just leave it plugged in and it'll still work?

"It's theft"