
It wouldn't surprise me in the coming years we'll have capable cameras able to read them, expensive sure, but, with configurable telescopic lenses moved around like a drive array, and with the way carbon nanotube computers are moving, we have many decades full of processing increases far beyond our imagination. Even

[Post is null]

My exact thoughts, this. With 5'9" of back space they could have at least separated the two a little more, or advertised the glass on the lens was fingerprint proof

The title is very misleading, as most Giz articles are.

Youtune free link is not showing up for me properly, showing 1.99$

Seeing how my household almost burns through 1TB monthly (mainly upload), that is a huge concernity to me. Luckily, here in Canadaland, there isn't much data caps to speak of, at least on the east coast

It's very possible for someone's iphone to be hacked without their knowledge, jailbreak code can be taken and used maliciously, you know the NSA scandal? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they have a team dedicated to developing cracks for every new release of iOS, or they just hope apple didn't find and close the

Is it sad that I didn't care about the US government shut down, only that this wasn't cancelled?

I suppose she gets a couple of weird looks out and about when she has to talk to people

ITS NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. Seriously, I wish it had never changed from this time last year..

As sad as this is, does it really surprise anyone that's reading this? This had been going on for a long time, even before it was announced by scientists, it wouldnt suprise me if it had been going on since a couple of moments after the disaster.

Size has everything to do with performance. If size wasn't a factor we'd be running phones off of GTX 680's and i7 Haswel's.

Would you very consider doing a column for Canadian users? This is the only deal column I follow and it would be cool to see the best the web has to offer here in Canada too

Thirth eh? What schools you go to?

I think the best we can do is free, Bittorent seems to do the job pretty well. Heck, you don't even need to wait, what other reason do you have not to give in?

This is bait.

I absolutely avoid track pads when I can. I can't find any advantages toa track pad. Plus, trying to play any game with a track pad? Please, it's probable, but not really that likely to be useable.

You read that first paragraph wrong

This is absolutely fantastic news. Brilliant work for the scientists.

It's the New Old iPad, not the New New iPad.