Brian Tschiegg

Does it come in beige?

Title is wrong. It should not read Unbelievably Bad Russian Driver. It should read: Unbelievably Russian Bad Driver. The amount of Russian-ness here is just overwhelming. It's too bad the video ended before the driver could get out to start a fist fight with one of the parked cars.

1st gear - a "fiat" from the government is aimed at Chrysler and they're trying to "dodge" it.....Not surprised, because they've never been good in the "crossfire"!

I'll see myself out, thank you.

... and the SRT version:

Here's the base model:

I am going to suggest something that is very very Anti Jalopnik...and what most here will deem as completely insane....

So, in hindsight, do you think Nazi sympathizer Ford regretted the decision?