Brian Tschiegg

Death to heretics!

You can get this in Orlando for some reason! A little hipster bar sells it for $2 a can all of the time. I have no idea why it's happening, but I take full advantage when I'm there.

Dude, don't get hung up on the name. It refers more to the texture than the taste.

The only acceptable substitute would have been Natty Ice.

Would you suggest going with the offered financing (after negotiating) and just paying it off with said cash at an accelerated rate? Would it raise any red flags if you paid it off immediately?

As a Browns fan, what doesn't sadden you greatly?

Value is in the eye of the beholder, and, as a lifelong O's fan, I would pay all the moneys for this.

People ask me how I'm still a Redskins fan and this video is one of the only answers I have now.

"'I, in fact, gave a presentation that was mostly public school administrators and public school teachers and I asked them how many of them had known about the exclusionary law before they came to the presentation. Seventy to eighty percent didn't know that Oregon had racial exclusion laws,' she tells me."

As if my pee doesn't already bounce onto my pants enough. THE HORROR.

This. I live in Orlando which happens to be a good beer city because a.) Floridians love to drink, b.) the Florida government loves having us drink as evidenced by low taxes on booze, and c.) the city is populated by young people known in the media as "hipsters." The only problem I have is that every time I want to

It's like he didn't even mention the time that I first had it at Katie's raging house party. It's only good because Katie did something unthinkable with an SNPA bottle.

Torpedo is always a bit too much for me, but it is a solid beer.

Which one is the evil one and which one is the one that will convince them all to do porn together?

The Vaseline is a little late since they already fucked you on the price paid for their subpar beer.


Son! Stop patriciding! - Tracy Jordan

Anderson Valley Gose or the Blood Orange Gose

Miller Light in Hand = DTF.
