
They did learn from the last shutdown to classify the lottery as “essential” though, since last time around (2006), they lost a zillion dollars because they couldn’t sell scratchers for over a week.

Ok this got longer than I expected, and took over an hour but here we go.

This year has destroyed the small bit of respect I had for evangelicals. You vote 3:1 for the walking embodiement of all seven deadly sins and then say I can’t have an IUD because of Jesus? Fuck off.

As a Canadian, I, of course, can’t vote in the US elections that are only a few days away. That being said, if you do live in the USA, then all I want to say is: for the love of God vote!!!!! We simply can’t have somebody like Donald Trump in the White House. I don’t live in your country, but I am genuinely afraid

Dear Mr. Perry,

I think a lot of this might come down to where you live. We don’t know very many church goers and it’s pretty common for people to be non-religious or openly atheist around here. But I definitely know people in other, more conservative parts of the country who have to be super secretive about being non-Christians.

This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

Those people are infuriating. If you live in a blue state:


So.... it’s official? Trump will be the GOP candidate? Or will they still try for a contested convention?

I can’t blame my particular mental health issues on anything but genetics, because they’re genetic, but on the other hand, none of my complete picture of mental unwellness was ever helped by growing up knowing that my parents could and would hit me. Or the fact that it actually took me a long time to unlearn the

Ah man, now I want a cherry Dr. Pepper. Thanks! :P

If you don’t mind me asking, what was your crazy bad GD like? I have trouble keeping my fasting numbers down, but my post meal numbers are fine. It went away after I had my first son, but this pregnancy I got diagnosed a lot earlier and had to start insulin for my fasting numbers pretty much from the get-go. I’m

In your monogrammed thermos

Speaking as someone who has lived overseas for 8 years, the U.S. is seen as a pathetic joke by even our staunchest allies. I love my country to death and readily acknowledge that as a white man born in 1977 I pretty much have been provided with 99.9 percent of every possible advantage in life. I want to be proud of my

“he also allegedly claimed to be Jesus Christ and told law enforcement, “You picked the wrong person to mess with. I will [expletive] your world up.””

SEE! Damn liberals, this is -proof positive- that mental health status should *NEVER* factor in to one’s ability to buy firearms.

You are not a half-hearted parent. You’re the mom to an infant, which is basically the hardest job in the world. It can be insanely awful and all-consuming. It gets better, though! Hang in there, and don’t be so hard on yourself.

“mans inclantion”