
My tale of woe doesn’t hold a candle to some of the responses thus far, but what the hell - I’ll throw my hat in the ring.

It’s been a year of yearlong weeks. 

I would posit that those two things are absolutely related and important details, though. Putting the MAGA hat in his dead mother’s casket and obsessively stalking a woman who is not interested are both signs that he felt the right to control the women in his life.

But the media will focus on the salacious detail that Cruz buried his “liberal mother” with a MAGA hat, instead of this, actual insight into his motivation. I’ve seen only a few media outlets starting to make the intimate partner violence connection to mass shootings, but it’s always an afterthought. Le sigh.

Oh hey, everyone’s favorite clueless hateful potato is baaack! And Wolf’s like, I know I had a potato masher here a second ago...

Still awful. Wolf was like “hey could you STFU for like one minute?”

Two things I know about him:

Rep. Cicilline: You do not know how many people have died in DHS custody?
DHS Sec. Nielsen: “I don’t have an exact figure”

Witchcraft!  I’ve been assured by 40 years of Republican economics that the only way to stimulate the economy is to give more money to wealthy people and to remove the fascist regulations that require them to treat the rest of us like humans.

Better yet, maybe accept that SNAP is a great program and an incredibly efficient use of government resources, expand the number of people who qualify and free up the money they would’ve spent on food for them to cover other expenses. Stimulus!

Trump and the entire GOP used to rail against the use of the official unemployment rate as an indicator of the health of the economy because it doesn’t account for the chronically unemployed. Now they use it not just to fluff up their messaging but to try and snatch food out of poor people’s mouths.

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

I have my grandmother’s ceramic Christmas tree. I love it. And I hate that fake retro ones are everywhere in stores now. Mine has sentimental value and is irreplaceable. Chihuahua for scale.

I can agree with that. But you can literally be like, “This foreign policy decision can directly be connected to the deaths of thousands of POC children in the third world. Is this really what we want to get behind?” and people will be like “Why are you sabotaging the Dems with your PURITY TESTS?”

Honey, I’ve NEVER been accused of being straight before.

Officer All O'Them 

If America can keep searching for Amelia Earhart, J. Edgar Hoover & 45's hairline...they sure as hell can keep rape cases open too.

Wow, color me shocked that the NYPD don’t really want to investigate rape cases. I mean who would have thought!

I really don’t care if he’s kissing men or women, but kissing up to the charter school industry is a problem. On matters of Education, he’s no better than Betsy DeVos.