Chemical castration also would not be a deterrent to a child molester. An impotent pedophile will still be a pedophile. He’ll just find other ways to satisfy himself.
Chemical castration also would not be a deterrent to a child molester. An impotent pedophile will still be a pedophile. He’ll just find other ways to satisfy himself.
Thanks for articulating why I’m struggling with this. I’ve been through CSA myself, and while a tiny vengeful part of me thinks “yes!” the larger part just knows that this is cruelty for cruelty’s sake. I’m not sure if people who have committed these crimes can be redeemed, but I don’t think physical punishment is the…
Notice the typical conservative emphasis on appearance rather than on actually removing offenders from society.
People who voted for this have never read a file of child sex abuse or spoken to a survivor of sexual abuse. This demonstrates a catastrophically myopic understanding of sexual activity and abusive behavior. But, perfectly on brand for an Alabamian’s grasp of sex education based on what I know about their education…
No. This is just a kneejerk reaction by people who don’t understand sexual abuse and sexuality. The shots will make these men impotent and maybe decrease their sex drive, but you don’t need an erection to sexually abuse someone, and not all abuse is about getting off. Some sick bastards are sadists and if their…
You’re just creating dry drunks for abuse.
It was less than a lifetime ago that Alan Turing was chemically castrated for being gay. The punishment was cruel and unusual then (not to mention the fact that he was being punished for something positive, rather than something bad like being a pedophile), and it’s cruel and unusual now.
So the male rapists still get parental rights though, yes?
And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.
You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that democratic voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are all white. Turn out an extra percentage point or two of African Americans in those 3 states and we win them.
A) Biden’s not going to peel off any Trump voters in numbers significant enough to outweigh the number of pro-Democratic voters who will be demoralized/unenthused by him. And while I realize that Trump should be an all-hands-on-deck emergency, the cold hard fact is that picking someone as tone deaf and out of sync on…
“I’m okay, everything’s okay.”
This sounds like (Bill) Clinton’s government by triangulation. The problem is that if you always try to strike a middle ground because your voters have no one else to go to, the middle ground starts shifting closer and closer to what the other side was asking for in the first place.
Right now he’s running on a combination of name recognition and Obama nostalgia. People need to realize that he’s not Obama, and while he may have supported Obama as VP, he’s significantly to the right of Obama, which is partly why he was chosen, since Obama was seen at the time as the more liberal contender (and…
This is just illustrative of the choices we’re facing in the upcoming primary. Biden’s proponents argue that he’s the most likely to beat Trump, but I counter that:
I’m not being snarky here, but I just don’t see it. What is the appeal of Joe Biden. I mean I always knew he was smarter then the aw shucks persona he used to get people to underestimate him. but he is seriously NOT presidential material by a long shot.
This is a joke right? Right???
I don’t understand why Jezebel has to split the Democratic Party by reporting all these objectively awful things I didn’t bother to learn at the time and don’t want to learn now cause my mind is made up and changing course even this early in the game would require me to admit fault and that’s cognitively intolerable!
As someone who has battled addiction and knows the recovery community - therapy is what these guys need. Therapy, a recovery community, and calling out their belief system. Blaming the outside is the specific problem they have. And wallowing in self-pity. I can’t judge them for getting surgery. Self improvement, if it…