
One of my personal pet peeves about the AI “prompt-gineers” (aside from, you know, the theft of art and labour etc etc all that) is that they will “produce” a piece of work with shockingly obvious issues that wouldn’t fly past the eye of even an armature artist....and just say “fuck it, good enough. Post”


Correct take.

And that’s fine. Retcons to make a better story or adapt to out of control changes happen all the time.

Eh the minute differences didn’t really bug me. It was 95% the same scene shot for shot with a little extra bits to flesh it out. Books, and comics have done this for decades.

Filoni clearly had that plan for Sabine and Ahsoka mapped out based on the Rebels’ finale narration and their looks. I always wondered why she

You know perfectly well what they mean, and it’s absolutely an appropriate use of that word.

Yeah, as soon as Sony signs the union contract and get stuff back in the pipeline others will blink, fast, they know the real deal

Hey, guys, I found the AMPTP sock puppet! ^^^^

Sony will break. Their stock is tanking due to the strikes and they have no streaming service to protect. It only takes that to start the end of the strike.

Except that it was the AMPTP that called for the blackout. The WGA wants transparency, The AMPTP wants to manipulate the news cycle to divide WGA membership.

In case it wasn’t already obvious which side was the assholes, only one side of this debate DEMANDED a media blackout to keep things “in good faith” and then IMMEDIATELY leaked their proposal to the industry trades that THEIR OWN MEMBER LITERALLY OWNS.

They’re also terrified at letting true viewership numbers be known. It really is more about power and control than dollars, at this point.

Is this post a joke? Do you honestly think there isn’t money in media? There is a tonne of money in media, the problem is that a bunch of the big players spent the money that they made chasing Netflix and buying up eachother and now they need to squeeze someone for that money and they settled on the Writers and the

Duh, that’s kind of the point of a strike. It’s not a problem until it’s their problem. The point is that the studios could end all this strife tomorrow just by agreeing to negotiate in good faith. As long as they refuse to do that, they deserve every bit of pain the actors and writers can bring to them.

Take the time, fuck the deadlines, balance (as best you can, as developers) your work and life schedules - we (gamers) will still be here when you feel your game is completed and up to snuff. We will pay the money and applaud your efforts.

I’m honestly a little shocked at the straightforward admission that folks don’t care about the human beings who create the things they love.

It’s a very good way to keep yourself misinformed (if you care to know what’s causing the problems you hate in the games industry, listening to game devs is probably a good place

I hate how much of online gaming discourse revolves around bad takes made by ill-formed idiots looking to make a quick buck off rage-bait videos.

Yeah I think he was clearly talking off the cuff originally and clearly frustrated that he couldn’t work to promote his projects while the strike was on. still dumb but context is key.

He said some dumb shit, but on some level I feel for the guy. Heels is a good show that needs all the publicity it can get, and there won’t be any for it.

Credit where credit is due, this dumb idiot said some stupid shit, but walking it all back (with a little face saving caveat) and joining the picket line is the right conciliatory measure.

in other words “I failed to read the room before I spoke. When the strike is over please everyone don’t refuse to work with me”